Developing Strategic Partnerships, Joint Ventures, And Consortia





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22 Apr
- 26 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


7 Oct
- 11 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


16 Dec
- 20 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This course is designed to help participants develop and analyze the key components of strategic partnerships (SP), joint ventures (JV), and consortia. The course focuses on conducting formal scenario analyzes for each opportunity and developing detailed implementation plans. Attendees will explore comprehensive process flow development and analysis, applying it to contemporary companies in various industries and their own organizations.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Develop a comprehensive implementation plan that includes monitoring and evaluating success metrics for the proposed arrangement.
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different deal alliance structures.
  • Evaluate and prioritize promising opportunities for forming alliances. Build a compelling value proposition tailored to the proposed arrangement.
  • Create a strategic map that identifies potential allies and different arrangements for cooperation.

This course is made for:

  • Sales Executives,
  • Business Development Executives,
  • Sales Managers,
  • Marketing Managers,
  •  Account Managers,
  • Relationship Managers,
  • Sales Directors,
  • Teachers,
  • Trainers,
  • Leaders,
  • Students,
  • Art Directors,
  • HR professional,
  • Entrepreneurs,
  • Social Media Specialist,
  • SEO Specialist,
  • Customer Service Officers

Day One:

Key Aspects and Comparative Analysis of Strategic Partnerships (SPs), Joint Ventures (JVs), and Consortia.

  • Organizational, Functional, and Financial Positions of the Involved Parties.
  • Quantitative vs. Qualitative Intellectual Property of Products and Services.
  • Legal Frameworks.
  • Contractual Elements.
  • One-time Projects vs. Ongoing Processes.
  • Timelines and Schedules.

Day Two:

Allocation of Resources: Intellectual Property, Personnel, Capital, and Facilities.

  • Product and Service Metrics.
  • Technological Complementarity.
  • Common and Diverse Platforms.
  • Common and Diverse Extensions.
  • Key Functions, Processes, and Deliverables of Personnel.
  • Managerial Oversight.
  • Access to Capital and Capital Costs.
  • Facilities and Infrastructure.

Day Three:

Mapping Firms, Organizations, Sectors, Industries, Markets, and Segments.

  • Product and Service Range.
  • Product and Service Reach.
  • Product and Service Life Cycles.
  • User Adoption.
  • Marketing, Advertising, and Promotion Infrastructure, and the Selling Process.
  • Growth-Share and Market Stage Parameters.

Day Four:

Review, Analyze, Evaluate, and Provide Advice on SPs, JVs, and Consortia.

  • Deal Intent, Operational Logistics, and Strategic Objective
  • Deal Structure, Organization, and Management
  • Deal Terms, Schedule-Timing, and Benchmarking
  • Capital Co-Investments: Debt vs. Equity
  • Financial Remuneration
  • Legal Issues & Intellectual Property

Day Five:

Developing Potential SPs, JVs, and Consortia for Your Firm or Organization.

  • Overview of Sectors, Industries, Markets, and Segments.
  • Mapping of Products, Services, and Intellectual Property.
  • Value-Chain Vertical and Horizontal Integration Stages.
  • Market Analysis.
  • Ansoff Matrix.
  • Legal and Regional Domicile Overview.
  • Pros and Cons of SPs, JVs, and Consortia.
  • Synergies and Complementarity vs. Diversification.
  • Proposed Structure, Terms, Remuneration, and Timing.
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