Design Thinking For HR Professionals





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22 Jan
- 26 Jan 2024

5 Days



22 Jul
- 26 Jul 2024

5 Days



5 May
- 9 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


14 Oct
- 18 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


  • Design thinking could be described as a human-centric structured, creative approach to problem solving that leads to solutions that work better for people.
  • By adopting design thinking principles, HR professionals are able to better understand human needs and design memorable experiences throughout the employee lifecycle. Design thinking is provides the ability to decipher complex problems. By using design thinking techniques, HR teams have the capacity to transform work cultures and become more innovative, which in turn positively impacts the brand and the business.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Problem-find and reframe problems in a way that enables HR to develop a culture of innovation
  • Using sophisticated tools, become an HR leader that is more comfortable operating in ambiguity and uncertainty
  • Move away from “process & policy” and adopt a “human-centered design” approach
  • Shift your mindset away from designing top-down to centrally distributed HR programs
  • Design employee-centric HR programs
  • Create and communicate end-user driven solutions to HR problems or opportunities such as employee engagement, organisational design and attracting talent

This course is made for 

  • An HR Professional, from any industry, that is tasked with problem-solving and is looking for new approaches to find HR solutions
  • Part of a team, from any organisation, who wants to tackle an organisational design challenge
  • An HR leader or manager
  • A Design & Innovation professional
  • An HR Project Lead
  • A Coach

Day One 

The changing economic and societal landscape and challenges facing HR

Overview of Design Thinking Methodology


    • Understanding end users and gaining insights into their needs and wants
    • Setting aside assumptions and avoiding solutioning at an early phase

Day Two

Define the problem

    • Defining the problem in a user-centric, human-oriented way, based on the observations and insights from Day1

Day Three


    • Generate multiple, diverse ideas to solve the problem as defined in Day2

Day Four


    • Create low-cost, scaled down version(s) of ideas generated

Day Five


    • Based on the results of Stage 4, solutions are refined and tested.
    • Iterative nature of Design Thinking: it may be necessary to redefine the problem, or seek more information about the users, or generate more ideas.

Applications in HR practice


Training Subject
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