Demand Side Management





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4 Mar
- 8 Mar 2024

5 Days



2 Sep
- 6 Sep 2024

5 Days



23 Jun
- 27 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


25 Nov
- 29 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The training course will provide an understanding of electricity demand-side management (DSM) systems and the technologies they use, the motivating factors driving their introduction and how they were introduced and installed.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Typical process flows involving inputs, outputs, communications, and decision making
  • Planning techniques that address volume and timing of demand at different points in a planning horizon
  • An approach for improving the participants’ demand planning and management process
  • Best practices that companies are applying in industry today
  • A perspective on broad demand management techniques and success drivers
  • Common roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities in a best practice process
  • How to identify gaps in the participants’ process, tools, and people capabilities compared to best practices

This course is made for 

  • New demand planners, forecasters, and managers
  • Experienced demand planners and managers looking for an update on best practices
  • Senior level sales and marketing executives and managers.
  • Account and sales managers
  • Sales operations managers
  • Customer service managers
  • Anyone who works in a supply chain role, particularly supply planning
  • Anyone wanting to understand how a best practice demand planning process should operate
  • Someone investigating demand planning as a career move

Day One

  • What is demand-side management
  • DSM and power quality
  • Causes of energy losses
  • Transmission and distribution loadings
  • Introduction to the smart grid
  • Driving force of DSM
  • Group discussion

Day Two

  • Voltage control
  • Cyclo-control
  • Remote/automatic switching
  • Energy efficient equipment
  • Introduction into Electricity storage, hydro, battery etc.
  • Group discussion

Day Three

  • DSM in current use
  • The future need and justification for DSM
  • Challenges of implementation of a DSM programme
  • Smart appliances
  • Smart ground source and air source heat pumps
  • The smart meter and the grid frequency response
  • Group discussion

Day Four

  • Energy saving considerations
  • Motors/Pumps and drive systems
  • No cost or low cost measurers
  • Lighting efficiency with comparisons
  • Energy management activities
  • DSM and good house keeping
  • Group discussion

Day Five

  • Preventative maintenance and DSM
  • Introduction into energy auditing
  • Preliminary auditing
  • Detailed auditing
  • Load levelling, load control and tariff incentives and penalties.
  • Load growth and conservation programmes
Training Subject
Training Location