Decommissioning of Offshore Installations





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3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days



26 Aug
- 30 Aug 2024

5 Days



10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


18 Nov
- 22 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Decommissioning Offshore Oil and Gas Installations is an inevitable part of the ‘Life of Field’ activities. It carries a multibillion-dollar cost with no return.

In this course we will recognize about the Strategic decisions to be made and your organisations ability to influence, Improvements to streamline decommissioning processes, Capture opportunities to add value, A deeper knowledge of decommissioning and associated strategies by Interactive exercises and training related to typical field and Realizing Supply chain, regulatory and innovative technology solutions

So this course  for individuals and organisations that are involved in the ultra-late life and decommissioning process, will enable them to gain a greater strategic view of decommissioning and how key decisions are made and how they interact and influence success, while creating opportunities to improve their individual and organisations delivery.

Finally a key learning point for delegates will be the opportunity to take part in ‘real life’ exercises related to decommissioning of a typical offshore asset.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand various late life and decommissioning strategies and key decisions to be made
  • Develop solutions to your relevant industry key challenges
  • Develop a plan on how to apply your knowledge to key decisions and further development needs
  • Develop a familiarisation of global oil and gas decommissioning activities and challenges
  • Develop a deeper knowledge of your role and your organisations role in the late life and decommissioning decision process and where best to add value
  • Capture opportunities to add value
  • Strategic decisions to be made and your organisations ability to influence
  • Improvements to streamline decommissioning processes
  • Realizing Supply chain, regulatory and innovative technology solutions
  • A deeper knowledge of decommissioning and associated strategies by Interactive exercises and training related to typical field

This course is made for 

  • Asset management professionals
  • Operations Personnel
  • Project personnel including Lead and project engineers
  • Subsea Professionals
  • Oil and Gas Operator key management
  • Structural Engineers
  • Commercial Managers
  • Marine Engineers
  • Regulator key personnel involved with decommissioning
  • Certifying authority’s key management and engineering personnel
  • Key stakeholders
  • HSE Professionals
  • Maintenance Engineers
  • Supply chain management personnel

Day One

Decommissioning Strategy and Planning

  • Introduction and ‘icebreaker’
  • Decommissioning – the Myths and the Reality
  • Scope of decommissioning
  • Statistics (types and numbers of installations)
  • North Sea/global decommissioning experience
  • Decommissioning forecasts and activity spend
  • Stakeholders
  • Perception and reputation
  • Decommissioning Regulations
  • International, regional, and national regulations
  • Comparison of UK, Malaysia, Brazil, and West Africa regulations
  • Overview of regulatory requirements of main O& G countries
  • Road Map through the regulatory process
  • Uncertainties and issues

Day Two

Strategy and Planning (Continued)

  • Decommissioning strategy
  • Late life of field
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Contracting strategy
  • Organizations
  • Drivers, challenges, and risks
  • Supply chain
  • Planning for decommissioning
  • WBS and phasing
  • Schedule
  • Operator Sanction process
  • Decommissioning expenditure and estimating
  • Risks and challenges

Day Three

Preparing for Decommissioning

  • Engineering and Project Management
  • Data gathering
  • Surveys and access
  • Engineering down of systems
  • Temporary utilities and life support options
  • Interfaces and management
  • Waste management and types of waste
  • Cleaning
  • Well abandonment
  • HSE and Safety Case

Day Four

Preparing for Decommissioning (Continued)

  • Offshore activities
  • Transition from production to decommissioning
  • Training
  • Making safe and hydrocarbon freeing
  • Scope of preparatory activities
  • Well abandonment
  • Module separation
  • Permit to work
  • HSE risks
  • Key considerations

Day Five

The end game

  • Removal and Transportation
  • Review of removal options
  • Piece-small
  • Single lift
  • Reverse installation
  • Reverse float-over
  • Overview of heavy lift equipment
  • Review of removal options
  • Jacket removal considerations
  • Review of transportation and offloading options
  • Decommissioning Subsea Infrastructure
  • Scope of subsea activities
  • Decommissioning pipelines in situ
  • Removal of pipelines and umbilicals
  • Removal of subsea components
  • FPSO decommissioning
  • Lessons learnt
Training Subject
Training Location