Data Science for Non-Technical Professional





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8 Dec
- 12 Dec 2024

5 Days



30 Jun
- 4 Jul 2024

5 Days



8 Sep
- 12 Sep 2023

5 Days

Virtual Online


8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Data science is not only for coders and we feel strongly that knowledge of data science concepts is for all of us. We bring the topics to you in an accessible, approachable way
this course delivers the solution with a Non-Technical Introduction to Data Science which covers concepts and applications in an approachable way, without coding nor previous experience required

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the concept of Computational Thinking and why it is relevant.
  • Describe three main types of machine learning.
  • Understand applications of machine learning and the impact it has.
  • Understand the importance of machine ethics, data bias, and its consequences.
  • Understand what data science and machine learning are.
  • understand the steps necessary to clean a raw dataset for analysis.
  • Design and develop an idea for a machine learning application.

This course is made for:

  • Data Science Professionals
  • Professionals / Students planning to be a Data Scientists
  • All Working Professionals who want to improve their efficiency at work
  • Hiring Managers looking for Data Scientists
  • Any Individual in any Job Profile


Day One:

  • Introduction
  • Data Science Basics

Day Two:

  • Regression

Day Three:

  • Classification

Day Four:

  • Data Preparation

Day Five:

  • Other Types of Analysis
  • Conclusion
Training Subject
Training Location