Damage Assessment And Rehabilitation Of Concrete Structures





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14 Jan
- 18 Jan 2024

5 Days



15 Jul
- 19 Jul 2024

5 Days



21 Apr
- 25 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


6 Oct
- 10 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Over the past 60 years, it is remarkable how much has been learned, and how much knowledge has been applied-about the physical properties of concrete, and the impact of the environment, fire, wind, earthquake, etc. Nevertheless, many patterns continue to be repeated. Structures still fall prey to natural and man-made disasters. Partly this is due to unforeseen problems that have arisen as we have stretched our technology to higher levels, built on marginal sites, or attempted to cut cost by cutting corners

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the critical characteristics of a given structure
  • Understand the types and causes of common deficiencies (even failures) of structures
  • Explain methods of observation, instrumentation and testing
  • Workout preventive measures to counteract deterioration of structures
  • Comprehend workable temporary and permanent repairs for any particular structure
  • Provide a comprehensive practical guide on the practice and business of assessment of site conditions and evaluation and repair strategies and techniques of concrete structures, or others structures
  • Understand the nature of innovative technology
  • Provide an overview for the role of effective management
  • Comprehend the role of the designer, the contractor and the supervision in producing sound structures

This course is made for 

  •  Piping Engineer
  •  Piping Stress Engineer
  •  Planning Engineer
  •  Reservoir Engineer
  •  Drilling Engineer
  •  Fire Protection Engineer
  •  Structural Engineer
  •  Welding Engineer
  •  Chief Engineer
  •  Civil Engineer
  •  Commissioning Engineer
  •  Construction Engineer
  •  Contract Engineer
Day One 

Building Assessment

  • Introduction to Mature Structure and Understanding Statically System
  • Codes and Standard Features
  • Inspection and Evaluate the Buildings by Different Methods
  • Visual Inspection Criteria
  • Inspect the Building Using New Techniques
  • Using Ultrasonic and Infrared for Inspection
  • Evaluate the Building Risk
  • Diagnoses the Reason of Deterioration
Day Two

Problems in Design, Materials and Construction

  • Concrete Materials Problems
  • Construction Ways Affect Concrete Durability
  • Design Error Affect Structure Integrity
  • Errors in Soil Investigation
  • Error in Design Foundation
  • Error in Foundation Constructions
Day Three

Properties of Protective Coating

  • Selecting the Materials Repair
  • Step by Step Repair Procedure
  • Methods of Protection
  • Corrosion and Protection of Steel Structure in Concrete
  • Protection of Reinforcing Bars
  • Comparison between Different Type of Protection
  • Materials used to Repair Corroded Structure
  • Methods of Repair
  • Using Polymer Bonding Materials
Day Four

Methods of Repairing the Cracked Structure Corrosion

  • Properties of these Materials
  • Ways of Using Steel Sections in Repair
  • Types of Cracks in R. C. Structures
  • Comparison between Different Cracks
  • Reasons for Each Type
  • Methods of Repair and Prevent for Each Type
  • Define the Method of Repair
  • From Inspection and Analysis Predict the Structure Lifetime
Day Five

Maintenance Strategy

  • CFRP Design and Applications
  • Likelihood of Building Failure
  • Define the Consequences of Failure
  • Provide Risk Matrix
  • Maintenance Plan and Strategy
  • Maintenance Plan based Economic Cost
  • Software for Maintenance Strategy
Training Subject
Training Location