Customer Relationship Management





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28 Jan
- 2 Feb 2024

5 Days



3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days

Abu Dhabi


28 Jul
- 1 Aug 2024

5 Days



This course is designed to provide participants with enhancing their ability to manage customer relationships, by understanding and implementing the latest customer relationship management strategies and tools, developing their analytical skills, in addition to enhancing their ability to build an integrated customer-focused culture and measure customer satisfaction to enhance the organization’s sales results.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the concept and functions of customer relationship management (CRM).
  • Understand the importance of CRM.
  • Understand CRM tools and solutions.
  • Understand and apply CRM planning strategies.
  • Understand and apply Customer journey planning strategies.
  • Develop an integrated Information system.
  • Create a strong CRM vision and goals.
  • Develop the CRM Team.

This course is made for:

  • Project Officers,
  • Administrative Officers

Day One:

Introduction to Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

  • The concept of CRM.
  • The importance of CRM.
  • Customer relationship management functions.
  • Understanding the relationship between the client and the organization.
  • The difference between a traditional and holistic focus in CRM.
  • CRM tools and solutions.

Effective planning for CRM:

  • CRM planning strategies.
  • Analyze the provided product/service.
  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the provided product/service.
  • Business situation analysis.
  • Analyze customer characteristics and expectations.
  • Identify your Ideal Customer.
  • Planning for Customer Interactions.
  • Customer journey planning strategies.

Day Two:

How to Implement CRM?

  • Creating a strong CRM vision and goals.
  • Develop the CRM Team.
  • Choose the right CRM Solution.
  • Identify Technology requirements.
  • Develop an integrated Information system.
  • Manage user security.
  • Identify risks.
  • Developing a customer-focused culture.
  • Manage change to adopt CRM.
  • Develop the organization strategy for the CRM.
  • Double the added value.
  • How to manage Continuing requirements?
  • Define your mistakes when using CRM.
  • Practical Application.

Day Three:

Achieving customer satisfaction:

  • Measuring customer satisfaction with the provided service.
  • Customer satisfaction model.
  • Obstacles to obtaining customer satisfaction.
  • Customer desired value model.

Day Four:

Develop feedback channels.

  • Customer service automation.

Day Five:

Develop performance indicators to measure customer service in the organization.

  • Strategies to enhance the performance of the customer service team.
  • Practical Application.
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