Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Training





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22 Jan
- 26 Jan 2024

5 Days



22 Jul
- 26 Jul 2024

5 Days



5 May
- 9 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


14 Oct
- 18 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, using the information to solve problems in our teams and organizations.  It is an essential business skill that allows us to think outside the box, identify consequences and contradictions, construct and evaluate arguments, identify relevant ideas and solve problems systematically.

The course on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for Public Service Leaders enables delegates to apply critical thinking and problem-solving in the global knowledge economy so that they can deal with change quickly and effectively.  They will return to their organizations able to analyze information from a variety of sources to solve problems.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Learn when to use critical thinking in work situations.
  •  Clear thinking and rational problem-solving.
  •  Analyzing information from a variety of sources in solving problems.
  •  Develop, evaluate and select new ideas.
  •  Critical self-reflection and self-evaluation to justify decisions.
  • Apply problem-solving steps and tools
  • Identify appropriate solutions using specific approaches
  • Select the best technique for making decisions
  • Improve key critical thinking skills, including active listening and questioning

This course is made for :

  • Heads of customer service, marketing, and sales teams.
  •  People with leadership potential who are preparing for their next role.
  • Members of the senior management team.
  •  Program managers and project managers.
  •  Heads of functional units in human resources, information technology, finance, and strategy.
  • Commercial excellence officer
  • Marketing managers
  • HR team
  • Head of the sales department

Day One


  •  Definitions Critical Thinking – Rational, skeptical, unbiased analysis, evaluation of factual evidence.
  •  The skills we need for critical thinking
  •  Key features of critical thinkers.
  •  Improve critical thinking skills.
  •  Develop the ability to think logically and rationally.
  •  How to engage in reflective and independent thinking.
  •  Assess our critical thinking capabilities.
  •  Complimentary thinking skills including creativity using a cognitive reflection test.

Day Two

Maximizing the Power of Your Brain

  • Take a systematic approach to problem-solving.
  •  Define and articulate the challenge.
  •  Key problem-solving models.
  •  Identify possible solutions using the build model.
  •  Implement solutions using analysis and prioritization tools.
  •  Overcoming problem-solving hurdles.
  •  Gain support for your preferred solution.
  •  Problem-solving techniques for individuals.
  •  Team problem-solving techniques.

Day Three

Critical Thinking

  • Understand your personal preferences.
  •  Evaluate your preferred approach to thinking.
  •  Promote whole-brain thinking – left and right brain.
  •  Recognize and adapt the preferred thinking styles of colleagues and team members
  •  Explore your creativity.
  •  Find out what triggers your creativity.
  •  Removing personal barriers to innovation.

Day Four 

Problem Solving

  • Critical thinking and problem solving skills
  •  Record the creative process using mind maps, concept diagrams, and flow charts.
  •  Build knowledge using blocks of data and information.
  •  Tools and techniques to become more creative.
  •  Critical reading skills and practices.
  •  Speaking and listening critically.
  •  Inference and argument logically.
  •  Use words to influence and persuade.

Day Five

Decision Making

  • Encourage critical thinking among team members.
  •  Develop a personal action plan based on your strengths and areas for development identified during this program.
  • Apply critical thinking to your team.
  •  Encourage group creative thinking.
  •  Brainstorm options for use in teams.
  •  How to challenge assumptions in constructive ways.
  •  Ensure that teams avoid groupthink.

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