Crisis Communications Skills Training





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19 Feb
- 23 Feb 2024

5 Days



15 Jul
- 19 Jul 2024

5 Days



2 Jun
- 6 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


11 Nov
- 15 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Effective crisis communication can help organizations maintain trust, inspire consumer confidence and build competitive advantage. Recent poorly handled crises in business, government, and nonprofits show how ineffective crisis communication can set an organization back significantly.

With increasing stakes in our world, the need to plan ahead for crisis has never been greater.  If you are hesitant about where to start or need a refresher on the latest international practice, he will help and guide you to understand the nature of crises, how to get the most out of your response team, and, most importantly, how to respond as a leader.  This includes how you manage yourself and your team and the stress and emotions you experience in a crisis.

This course will be centered around your role as a leader during stressful times – what interventions need to be taken and when to delegate, this will ensure that your team and organization remain positive, productive, and connected.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Improved awareness of the reputational risks for your organization
  • Develop clarity around roles and processes.
  • Effectively communicate how to persuade CEOs and other senior executives during a crisis.
  • Recognize and deal with the dysfunctional behaviors that often occur due to crises.
  • Create a clear, compelling vision to guide people into a post-crisis future.
  • Determine the potential impact of the crisis and, most importantly, how to circumvent it.
  • Managing your emotions ensures that you reduce stress on yourself and your team.
  • Proactive planning during the specific phases of crisis management.

This course is made for :

  • Team leaders.
  • HR managers.
  • Business excellence officers
  • Project team managers.
  • Fire and security professionals.
  • Process safety specialists.
  • Senior management teams
  • Public relations and communications professionals
  • Members of crisis response teams
  • Social media team members
  • Crisis spokespeople
  • Compliance officers
  • Public Relation officers

Day One


    • Definition of a crisis
    • Overview of communication
    • Various types of crises
    • Key aspects of a crisis
    • Evolution of a crisis

Day Two

Principles of crisis communications

    • Setting your clear objective
    • Responding quickly
    • Accepting responsibility
    • Appropriate messaging
    • Profiling your audience
    • Showing and maintaining credibility
    • Coordinating with others
    • Continuous monitoring

Day Three

Crisis management process

    • Pre-crisis phase
    • Crisis Management Plan (CMP)
    • Crisis Management Team (CMT)
    • The spokesperson’s role
    • Crisis event phase
    • Initial response
    • Reputation repair
    • Post-crisis phase
    • Lessons learned
    • Follow up with communication

Day Four

Crisis communication and media

    • Media and communication
    • Media as a partner in crisis response
    • Social media and crisis communication
    • Social media as a beneficial tool or a challenge
    • Dynamic use of social media in crisis communication

Day Five

Dimensions of crisis communication management

    • Standard operating decisions dimension
    • Victims management dimension
    • Trust and credibility dimension
    • Behavior dimension
    • Professional expectations dimension
    • Ethical dimension
    • Lessons learned
Training Subject
Training Location