Counterfeit Product Detection Analysis And Prevention





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15 Jan
- 19 Jan 2024

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22 Sep
- 26 Sep 2024

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8 Jul
- 12 Jul 2024

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16 Dec
- 20 Dec 2024

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A comprehensive training program designed to teach the skills and knowledge professionals need to be efficient, proactive and strategic in brand protection. Designed from direct experience and feedback from the top protection professionals from around the world, the A-CAPP Center employs an evidence based approach for its certificate that provides core concepts and competencies needed to become a brand protection professional who is better prepared to face the legal, business, strategic and security challenges of your industry.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Increase the counterfeit awareness of your region
  • Reduce the risk of counterfeit emergencies
  • Gain expert witness techniques to testify in a court of law
  • Make informed and confident decisions
  • Learn from highly skilled anti-counterfeit experts
  • Learn in a comfortable and social environment

This course is made for :

  • All levels and types of brand protection professionals.
  • The definition and understanding of what implicates a counterfeit electronic component per SAE AS5553, a counterfeit component standard used as a guide/model for all ProSkill CTG courses/programs.
  • Documented examples of major military systems compromised by unknowingly installing counterfeit electronic replacement parts
  • Multiple examples of counterfeit parts and visual representations of suspect and counterfeit parts that have been intercepted using ProSkill CTG’s basic counterfeit check points.
  • Images of component internal dies with wire bond deformities provided by a US based X-Ray Equipment manufacturer who travelled to China to procure parts directly from Shenzhen’s Component Mall.
  • The importance of developing and implementing a robust internal Counterfeit Component detection
  • How to develop a screening process for parts including visual inspection, testing, and other detection means
  • What testing processes should be used, and how the results detect counterfeit parts and their effectiveness
  • Supplier audit and qualification requirements
  • Implementing your own detection, inspection and prevention program.
  • Supplier flow down requirements per the AS5553 standard.
  • How to disposition counterfeit components, impounding, public database reporting, database management.
  • Counterfeit Component Check Sheet; inspect against a list of typical and current detection points, referenced as counterfeit component indicators.
  • The recently signed DoD federal law, HR1540 Section 818 defined.
  • What a Military Repair Depot needs to be aware of before installing replacement parts ordered from the supplier who in turn purchased the part from a non-franchised unauthorized component supplier normally referenced as a “Brokers/Independent Distributors”.
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