Corporate Social Responsibility Course





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25 Feb
- 29 Feb 2024

5 Days



4 Aug
- 8 Aug 2024

5 Days



3 Jun
- 7 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


17 Nov
- 21 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Corporate Social Responsibility Course aims at addressing the impact that organizations have on society, the environment, and the economy. It is increasingly regarded as one of the most influential non-financial indicators of a company’s development, operating style, and brand image. The business case for a tailored corporate social responsibility strategy has already been proven: increase in employee retention, efficiencies in the companies’ operations often resulting in higher quality products and/or reduced costs, sustainable growth, and enhanced investor relations.

This Corporate Social Responsibility training course aims to help learners understand how they can create a strategy that promotes environmental, societal, and economic issues and how they can work in ways that are resourceful, ethical, and sustainable.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • The basics of what CSR is and why it is important
  • How to create your own CSR program
  • How to communicate your CSR activities to your consumers & stakeholders
  • A better understanding of the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in business strategy
  • Discuss the different dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Learn how to analyze and report the impact
  • Develop meaningful stakeholder engagement techniques
  • Devise strategic plans for their companies based on the social, economic, and environmental impact of the business

This course is made for :

  • Executives involved in strategic and operational functions
  • Senior and Middle Management involved in corporate governance or change management
  • HR personnel
  • Corporate lawyers
  • Business professionals of all levels
  • Commercial excellence officers
  • Compliance officers
  • All personnel involved in communications, business strategy, supplier and community relations, sustainability, governmental affairs

Day One

Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its Legal Framework

  • Definition
  • Practical Dimension of CSR
  • Business Case
  • CSR as Risk Management
  • Non-economic and Diversity Reporting
  • Corporate Governance Codes
  • Sustainability Standards and Regulations
  • Voluntary Schemes

Day Two

How to Approach Corporate Social Responsibility – Different Dimensions I

  • CSR and Environmental Sustainability
  • Supply Chains and Traceability
  • CSR and Business Ethics
  • Responsible Enterprise Restructuring
  • Responsible Management and Employee Engagement

Day Three

How to Approach Corporate Social Responsibility – Different Dimensions II

  • Responsible Investment
  • CSR in the Oil and Gas Sector
  • Social Safeguards
  • The Role of CSR in Addressing Conflict
  • CSR and Communities

Day Four

Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  • Finding your ‘Materiality’
  • Gathering Data
  • Defining a Strategy – Examples
  • How to Implement a Plan
  • Assessing and Measuring Impact
  • Reporting

Day Five

The Importance of Stakeholder Management

  • Engaging Management
  • Employees
  • Building Alliances
  • Governmental Actors
  • Collaboration with the Third Sector
  • Connected Leadership
  • Communication Strategies
  • Reputational Risks

Management and Leadership training courses


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