Combined JAVA, PHP, and Web Application Security





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8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days



5 Aug
- 9 Aug 2024

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15 Apr
- 19 Apr 2024

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30 Sep
- 4 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Even experienced programmers do not master by all means the various security services offered by their development platforms, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for their developments. This course targets developers using both Java and PHP, providing them essential skills necessary to make their applications resistant to contemporary attacks through the Internet. This course targets developers using both Java and PHP, providing them essential skills necessary to make their applications resistant to contemporary attacks through the Internet.

Levels of Java security architecture are walked through by tackling access control, authentication and authorization, secure communication and various cryptographic functions. Various APIs are also introduced that can be used to secure your code in PHP, like Open SSL for cryptography or HTML Purifier for input validation. On server side, the best practices are given for hardening and configuring the operating system, the web container, the file system, the SQL server and the PHP itself, while a special focus is given to client-side security through security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
  • Have a practical understanding of cryptography
  • Understand security concepts of Web services
  • Get practical knowledge in using security testing tools
  • Be informed about recent vulnerabilities in Java and PHP frameworks and libraries
  • Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
  • Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them
  • Learn client-side vulnerabilities and secure coding practices
  • Learn to use various security features of the Java development environment
  • Learn to use various security features of PHP
  • Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them

This course is made for :

  • IT developers
  • Software developers
  • Testers
  • Architects

Day One

  • IT security and secure coding
  • Web application security
  • Web application vulnerabilities

Day Two

  • Client-side security
  • Foundations of Java security
  • Practical cryptography

Day Three

  • Java security services
  • Security of Web services
  • XML security
  • JSON security

Day Four

  • PHP security services
  • PHP Environment
  • Denial of service

Day Five

  • Security testing techniques
  • Common coding errors and vulnerabilities
  • Principles of security and secure coding
  • Knowledge sources
Training Subject
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