CMRP Exam Preparation Training Course





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4 Feb
- 8 Feb 2024

5 Days



4 Aug
- 8 Aug 2024

5 Days



15 Jul
- 19 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


23 Dec
- 27 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This course provides practice questions to test your knowledge of maintenance and reliability and prepare you for the certified maintenance and reliability exam.

The course consists of two sections. The quiz sections on all 5 pillars enable you to test your knowledge and identify gaps and areas of weakness. The practice test section contains two full-length practice exams meticulously designed to give you the same feel as the actual CMRP exam.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Students will be given on-demand videos that will sharpen their understanding of maintenance and reliability principles. By completing this tutorial series and practice
  • Study Secrets of Passing the CMRP Examination
  • Study Plan for CMRP Examination
  • Study CMRP Mock Tests

This course is made for :

  • Maintenance professionals who want to pass their CRMP exam
  • Fresh graduates who desire a career in maintenance and reliability
  • Organizations who want to develop their maintenance professionals
  • This is a comprehensive course for Industrial Professionals who want to learn Best Practices for Maintenance and Reliability.

Day One

  • Maintenance Definition
  • Benefits of Maintenance
  • Different Maintenance Philosophies
  • Corrective Maintenance
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Condition Based Maintenance
  • Pro-Active Maintenance
  • Operator Based Maintenance

Day Two

  • Overview and Importance of work management
  • Importance of Job Flow Process
  • Work Categorization
  • Corrective Maintenance
  • Work Prioritization
  • Equipment Criticality Analysis
  • Planning Process
  • Scheduling Process

Day Three

  • Introduction and Functions of Inventory Management
  • Inventory Types
  • Types of Inventory
  • Dead Stock and Hidden Stock
  • Material Storage and Retrieval System
  • Inventory Optimization Tools and Techniques
  • CMMS
  • Shelf Life Management System
  • Inventory Accuracy
  • Parts Knitting
  • Total Inventory Cost and EOQ

Day Four

  • Reliability & MTBF
  • Maintainability & MTTR
  • Asset Availability
  • Asset Availability Problem Solution
  • Reliability Block Diagram
  • Asset Life Cycle Cost
  • Definition, Principle, and Benefits of TPM
  • 8 Pillars of TPM

Day Five

  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness
  • Total Equipment Equipment Performance
  • Organization Culture and Leadership
  • Lube Oil Analysis
  • Infrared Thermography
  • Electrical Condition-Based Monitoring
  • NDT Techniques
  • Vibration Analysis: What is Vibration
  • Vibration Analysis: Causes of Vibration
  • Vibration Analysis: Importance of Vibration Monitoring
  • Vibration Analysis: Measurement of Vibration
  • Vibration Analysis: Measuring Parameter
  • Vibration Analysis: Techniques and Categories

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