Certified Secure Computer User(CSCU)





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26 Feb
- 1 Mar 2024

5 Days



26 Aug
- 30 Aug 2024

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9 Jun
- 13 Jun 2024

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Virtual Online


18 Nov
- 22 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The CSCU certification program enables students to gain a basic understanding of various computer and network security threats such as identity theft, online banking fraud, malware, and loss of confidential information.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Secure different operating systems
  • Back up the data and perform disaster recovery
  • Protect their mobile devices from various attacks
  • Learn about social engineering and identity theft attacks
  • Install and configure antivirus software
  • Understanding of different security incidents
  • Understand how to secure their cloud accounts
  • Understand the different security issues on social media

This course is made for :

  • Individuals who use computers and the Internet but are unfamiliar with computer security issues. CSCU certification program gives them a better understanding of security issues that they may encounter.

Day One

Module 1: Introduction to Data Security
The building blocks of digital data
The importance of data in the information age
Data threats
Data security
Possible losses due to security attacks
Security application
Module 2: Securing Operating Systems
Instructions for securing windows
Guidelines for securing Mac OS X

Day Two

Module 3: Malware and Antiviruses
What is malware
Types of malware
Symptoms of a malware infection
Configure and use antivirus software
How to test if your antivirus is working
Module 4: Internet Security
Understand web browser concepts
Understand IM security
Understanding children’s online safety

Day Three

Module 5: Security on social networking sites
Understanding of social networking concepts
Understand the various social network security threats
Understanding Facebook security settings
Learn about Twitter security settings
Module 6: Securing Email Communications
Understanding of email security concepts
Understand the different security threats to email
Understanding of different email security measures

Day Four

Module 7: Securing Mobile Devices
Understand mobile security concepts
Understand the threats to a mobile device
Understand the different mobile security measures
Understand how to secure iPhones and iPads
Understand how to secure Android devices
Understand how to secure a Windows device
Mobile security tools
Module 8: Securing the Cloud
Cloud concept
How does the cloud work
Threats to cloud security
Protect from cloud security threats
Cloud privacy issues
Addressing cloud privacy issues
Choose a cloud service provider

Day Five

Module 9: Securing Network Communications
Understand different network concepts
Understanding setting up a wireless network in Windows
Understanding setting up a wireless network on a Mac
Understand threats to wireless network security and countermeasures
Measures to secure network communications

Module 10: Data Backup and Disaster Recovery
Data backup concepts
Types of data backups
Windows Backup and Restore procedures
Mac OS X Backup and Restore Procedures
Understanding secure data destruction

Training Subject
Training Location