Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Course





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14 Jan
- 18 Jan 2024

5 Days



16 Sep
- 20 Sep 2024

5 Days



7 Jul
- 11 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


15 Dec
- 19 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Become a qualified quality expert for your organization. The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational professional is ready to make the right quality-related decisions at any level of the organization. This is a certification exam preparation or refresher course and is presented in a way that reinforces current knowledge, re-introduces applications that may not be used every day, explains the rationale for use, and highlights both multiple-choice and constructed-response sample questions.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Explain, through discussions, the main concepts in each of the BOK elements.
  • Refine their thinking approach in preparation for the ‘constructed response’ section of the examination
  • Practice sample tests.
  • Review the body of knowledge in preparation for the ASQ CMQ/OE examination
  • Apply the components of the Body of Knowledge (BOK) to further focus their preparation efforts
  • Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence
  • Prepare participants to become successful quality managers, able to work in multinational organizations.
  • Pass the qualifying exam of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and obtain its certificate as a Certified Quality Manager (CMQ/OE).
  • Facilitate and lead team efforts, establish and monitor customer/supplier relations, and supports strategic planning and deployment initiatives.

This course is made for:

  • Group/ Corporate Quality Manager,
  • Quality Director/ Head of Quality,
  • QA/QC Manager/ Engineer/ Supervisor
  • Quality Auditors/ ISO Auditors
  • Quality Professionals who lead manage or support quality improvement programs.
  • QM Professionals in need to add ASQ’s CMQ/ OE to his/her professional credentials

Day One


  • Course materials
  • Practice questions
  • Bloom’s taxonomy
  • Body of knowledge
  • Preparation tips
  • Suggestions for more effective test-taking

Organizational leadership

  • Team’s strategy development and deployment
  • Teams and team-building techniques.
  • Change management.
  • Leadership styles.

Strategic plan development and deployment

  • Strategic planning models
  • Business environment analysis
  • Strategic plan deployment
  • Organizational performance measurement

Day Two

Management elements and methods

  • Principles of management
  • Management theories, styles, and tools
  • Communication skills and abilities
  • Project management
  • Project documentation
  • Quality system
  • ISO and other third-party standards
  • Other quality methodologies
  • Quality philosophies
  • Human resources management
  • Financial management
  • Risk management

Day Three

Quality and process management tools

  • The seven classic quality tools
  • Mapping the process
  • Analyzing the process
  • Innovation and creativity tools
  • Statistical analysis
  • Process capability
  • Qualitative assessment
  • Lean tools
  • Theory of Constraints (TOC)
  • Basic statistical use

Day Four

Customer-focused organizations

  • Customer identification and segmentation
  • Customer needs and voice of the customer
  • Customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Basic customer service principles
  • Internal and external customers

Day Five

Supply chain management

  • Supplier selection and communications
  • Supplier performance and improvement
  • Supplier certification, partnership, and alliances

Training and development

  • Training needs analysis and plans
  • Training material design and delivery
  • Training effectiveness and evaluation

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