Certified Information Systems Security Professional(CISSP)





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4 Mar
- 8 Mar 2024

5 Days



2 Sep
- 6 Sep 2024

5 Days



23 Jun
- 27 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


25 Nov
- 29 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The CISSP Certification Training course prepares you as an IT security expert holistic technical and organizational knowledge as well as experience in relation to the design, the conception and the planning of organization-internal security requirements.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Analyze components of the Security and Risk Management domain.
  • Analyze components of the Asset Security domain.
  • Analyze components of the Security Architecture and Engineering domain.
  • Analyze components of the Communication and Network Security domain.
  • Analyze components of the Identity and Access Management domain.
  • Analyze components of the Security Assessment and Testing domain.
  • Analyze components of the Security Operations domain.
  • Analyze components of the Software Development Security domain

This course is made for :

  • IT director/manager
  • Chief information security officer
  • Security consultant
  • Security analyst
  • Security manager
  • Security systems engineer
  • Director of security
  • Security architect
  • Security auditor
  • Network architect

Day One

  • Security Operations
  • Software Development Security

Day Two

  • Asset Security
  • Security Engineering

Day Three

  • Communications and Network Security
  • Security and Risk Management

Day Four

  • Identity and Access Management

Day Five

  • Security Assessment and Testing
Training Subject
Training Location