Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)





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8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days



8 Jul
- 12 Jul 2024

5 Days



15 Apr
- 19 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


30 Sep
- 4 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certification ensures that cloud security professionals have the necessary knowledge and skills in cloud security design, implementation, architecture, operations, and controls with frameworks. This course will enable you to negate security threats to your cloud storage by understanding information security risks and implementing strategies to maintain data security as well as to prepare you for the CCSP exam.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

      • Successfully pass the CCSP exam.
      • Understand the fundamentals of the cloud computing architecture framework.
      • Understand security challenges associated with different types of cloud services.
      • Identify and evaluate security risks for their organization’s cloud environments.
      • Select and implement appropriate controls to ensure secure implementation of cloud services.
      • Thoroughly understand the 6 essential core domains of the CCSP common body of knowledge:

1. Architectural Concepts & Design Requirements

2. Cloud Data Security

3. Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security

4. Cloud Application Security

5. Operations

6. Legal & Compliance

This course is made for :

  • Anyone willing to learn, but having server admin, network admin and vmware virtualization knowledge

Day One

  • Understand Cloud Computing Concepts
  • Describe Cloud Reference Architecture
  • Understand Security Concepts Relevant to Cloud Computing
  • Understand Design Principles of Secure Cloud Computing
  • Identify Trusted Cloud Services
    Describe Cloud Data Concepts
  • Design and Implement Cloud Data Storage Architectures
  • Design and Apply Data Security Technologies and Strategies

Day Two

  • Operate Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
  • Manage Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
  • Implement Operational Controls and Standards
  • Support Digital Forensics
  • Manage Communication with Relevant Parties
  • Manage Security Operations
  • Articulate Legal Requirements and Unique Risks within the Cloud Environment
  • Understand Privacy Issues

Day Three

  • Design and Implement Information Rights Management (IRM)
  • Plan and Implement Data Retention, Deletion and Archiving Policies
  • Design and Implement Audibility, Traceability and Accountability of Data Events
  • Comprehend Cloud Infrastructure Components
  • Design a Secure Data Center
  • Analyse Risks Associated with Cloud Infrastructure
  • Design and Plan Security Controls

Day Four

  • Implement Data Discovery
  • Implement Data Classification
  • Plan Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Management
  • Advocate Training and Awareness for Application Security
  • Describe the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Process
  • Apply the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Apply Cloud Software Assurance and Validation

Day Five

  • Use Verified Secure Software
  • Comprehend the Specifics of Cloud Application Architecture
  • Design Appropriate Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions
  • Implement and Build Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
  • Understand Audit Process, Methodologies, and Required Adaptations for a Cloud Environment
  • Understand Implications of Cloud to Enterprise Risk Management
  • Understand Outsourcing and Cloud Contract Design
Training Subject
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