Certificate in Global Upstream Oil & Gas Operations





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8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days



9 Sep
- 13 Sep 2024

5 Days



30 Jun
- 4 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


9 Dec
- 13 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The roadmap for transport and future energy markets will not be complete without Downstream oil & gas industry.  This training course focuses on the success factors in the Downstream oil & gas operations.

This course  will includes  the petroleum refining processes and their integration with petrochemicals to significantly improve return on investments and add process efficiencies. Furthermore, combining business strategies of Upstream with Downstream to reduce corporate risk exposure due to crude oil price volatility, environmental and climatic control regulations. Balancing this huge corporate price-risk would make your company more profitable and competitive. The analytics insights presented here will provide decision makers with the key facts and information they require to future-proof their business models. and focuses on the success factors of wide array of Upstream oil and gas industry operations that beat competition and add value to the stake-holders. Crude Oil & Natural gas have dominated Energy industry for the past century and are likely to continue to for the foreseeable future.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand all the basics of Downstream oil & gas processes and operations
  • Be cognizant of the current changes in the Downstream business
  • Understand the strategies in a refinery, refined products sales & marketing
  • Maximize the profitability of refinery operations
  • The integration of refinery and petrochemicals to improve Net Return
  • Master Downstream profitability drivers

This course is made for 

  • Joint Venture Officers
  • Negotiators and Contracting Professionals
  • Personnel
  • Compliance Officers
  • Equity Analyst and Bankers
  • Refinery Professionals
  • Supply Planners & Scheduling Professionals
  • Government Regulators
  • Business Development Managers
  • Corporate Planning Professionals
  • Geoscience & Engineering Professionals
  • Law Professionals
  • Tax & Finance Advisor
  • Trading Professionals

Day One

  • Understanding Petroleum Industry Upstream Dynamics & Future Trends
  • Oil & Gas Geology, Exploration and Production

Day Two

  • Well Evaluations & Completions Technique
  • Management of Oil Recovery Mechanisms

Day Three

  • Technological Advances in Upstream
  • Economic Evaluations and Project Economics

Day Four

  • Concession, Production Sharing and JV Contracts
  • Review & Comparison of Different Fiscal Systems in the World for Petroleum Industry

Day Five

  • Risk & Uncertainty Analysis in Capital Investments
  • Evaluate Projects by Risk-based Economics, and Petroleum Project Evaluation
Training Subject
Training Location