Data Science and big data Analysis





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14 Jan
- 18 Jan 2024

5 Days



14 Jul
- 18 Jul 2024

5 Days



21 Apr
- 25 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


6 Oct
- 10 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Data science and big data Analysis are the most powerful sciences for all fields . This course covers the essential knowledge and skills required to reach the next level of decision-making maturity.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Create a competitive advantage from all kinds of data
  • Predict results using machine learning
  • Discover customer behavior patterns
  • Analyze structured, unstructured, and big data data using R and RHadoop

This course is made for 

  • Business Men
  • Business Unit Managers
  • Business Development consultants
  • Marketing Consultants
  • Marketing Development Managers
  • General Managers
  • Leaders

Day One 

Introduction to R

  • Exploratory data analysis with R.
  • Load the data into R
  • Data query in R
  • Data processing in R
  • Clean up the raw data
  • Dimensional reduction

Facilitate Good Analytical Thinking through Data Visualization

  • Check the dataset properties
  • Plot data distributions
  • Identify outliers in the data

Day Two 

Work with Large, Unstructured Data Sets

  • Mining unstructured data
  • Pre-processing unstructured data in preparation
  • Describe a group of documents with a document term matrix

Dealing with the Additional Complexities of Big Data

  • Examine the MapReduce and Hadoop architectures
  • Merge R and Hadoop with RHadoop


  • Estimating future values with linear and logistic regression
  • Modeling the relationship between an output variable and several input variables
  • Correctly interpreting coefficients of continuous and categorical data

Regression Techniques

  • Overcoming issues of volume with RHadoop
  • Creating regression modules for RHadoop

Day Three

Classification Techniques

  • Automate the naming of new data items
  • Predict target values using decision trees
  • Build a model from existing data for future predictions
  • Combine predictions of trees and random forests in RHadoop

Evaluate the Performance of the Model

  • Visualize model performance with a ROC curve
  • Evaluation of workbooks using confusion matrices

Uncover patterns in complex data

  • Identification of previously unknown clusters within the dataset
  • Customer market segmentation
  • Determine similarity with appropriate distance scales
  • Build tree
  • Compilation of text documents and Tweets

Discover Connections

  • Capture important connections with social network analysis
  • Explore how social networking results can be used in marketing

Day Four 

Use transaction data

  • Building and evaluating association rules
  • Capture real customer preferences in transactional data
  • Calculating support, confidence, and lift
  • Distinguish between actionable, trivial, and inexplicable rules
  • Build recommendation engines
  • Cross-selling, up-selling and exchange as incentives
  • Leverage recommendations based on collaborative filtering

Day Five

Implement Analytics

  • Expand analytical capabilities
  • Break down big data analytics into manageable steps
  • Integrate analytics into existing business processes
  • Spark, MLib, and Mahout Machine Learning Review

Publication Policies

  • Examining ethical questions related to privacy in big data
  • Disseminate results to different types of stakeholders
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