Better Conversations Everyday” and “Leading For Success Course





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25 Aug
- 29 Aug 2024

5 Days



26 Feb
- 1 Mar 2024

5 Days



17 Nov
- 21 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


9 Jun
- 13 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Better Conversations & Coaching

  • Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership — at every level, in any function.
  • That’s why every leader in your organization needs to be able to coach, give feedback, and ignite better conversations. Without effective communication, employee performance, employee engagement, talent retention, and business execution are at risk. Leadership coaching training can boost every leader’s coaching confidence and competence.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Feel grounded and self-aware
  • Apply excellent conversation skills from Day 1
  • Navigate behaviors that break trust
  • Mitigate against your blind spots & baizes
  • Build powerful emotional connections
  • Attract people with your presence
  • Increase collaboration & inclusivity
  • Encourage diversity of thinking, ideas & approaches
  • Empower your direct reports
  • Listen deeply & hold safe spaces
  • Surface blockers, detailers & risks
  • Respond to mental health challenges sensitively
  • Uncover possibilities, opportunities & motivations
  • Have your direct reports fully own solutions & outcomes
  • Challenge limiting beliefs
  • Reinforce positive behavior shifts
  • Facilitate meetings for productivity & contribution
  • Think strategically & close skills gaps
  • Look forward to 1-to-1 growth meetings
  • Spot performance issues early
  • Navigate difficult conversations with confidence & skill
  • Hold your direct reports accountable
  • Course-correct, re-contract & celebrate

This course is made for :

  • HR professionals looking to transition from tactical managers to strategic business partners
  • Any leader who wants to improve trust, communication, and engagement with their team
  • Individuals who want to champion the development of a coaching culture within their organization
  • Individuals seeking coaching certification

Day One

  • The Essentials: Participants will engage in CCL’s Better Conversations everyday experience, where they will learn the four core skills essential for communication and coaching engagements: Listening to Understand, Ask Powerful Questions, challenging & Support, Establish Next Steps & Accountability

Day Two

  • Learn by Example Work in small groups of four, each paired with an ICF-certified coach.

Day Three

  • Real-World Issues The opportunity to practice real-world coaching and communication challenges makes the learning more applicable than fictional role-playing stories.

Day Four

  • Instant Feedback Structured practice sessions supported by written observation and feedback ensure learning is captured.

Day Five

  • Goal Planning Develop a results-driven action plan and list of personal goals.

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