Best Practices Operation & Troubleshooting of RO Plant Process





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14 Jan
- 18 Jan 2024

5 Days



16 Sep
- 20 Sep 2024

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7 Jul
- 11 Jul 2024

5 Days

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15 Dec
- 19 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


RO systems can replace or be used in conjunction with others treatment processes such as Oxidation, Adsorption, Stripping, or Biological Treatment (as well as many others) to produce a high quality  product water that can be reused or  discharged. espicially Since the development of the first practical cellulose acetate membranes in the early 1960’s and the subsequent     development of thin-film, composite membranes, the uses of reverse osmosis have expanded to include not only the traditional desalination process but also a wide variety of wastewater treatment  applications.  In addition,

In Theis course  we will resent a strategy to preserve RO Plant function, Predict RO Plant Performance and avoid the Failure of RO Plant Components, and ensure the highest Permeate Productivity with the best salt rejection. It shall assist     attendees to understand and manage properly any RO Plant with best practice and most cost effective method. This should result in maximizing membranes and components life, reducing operating cost and maintaining productivity and quality.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand Osmosis & Reverse Osmosis
  • Understand RO Principles of Operations.
  •  Understand and Specify Water Quality.
  • Different Membrane Configurations used for Membrane Filtration (MF & UF) and RO Applications.
  • Reverse Osmosis Preventive Maintenance
  • Reverse Osmosis Membranes Cleaning
  • RO Plant Configuration System.
  • Control Scaling, Fouling and Chemical attack by using appropriate Pretreatment Technologies
  • Start Up, Shutdown & Daily Operation Instructions

This course is made for 

  • Utility Engineers
  • Consulting Engineers
  • Highly Qualified  Operators Chemists those working in Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants.

Day One

Water Sources

  •  Open Intake Sea Water
  •  High, Medium, Low Brackish Water
  •   Surface Water
  •   Municipal Water

Water Basics

  • Water Make up
  • Interpreting Water Analysis
  • Water Biology
  • Suspended Solids, Turbidity and SDI
  • Special Situations, Iron, Manganese and Aluminum

Day Two

Membranes Configurations

  • Difference between Cross flow & Depth Flow
  • Microfiltration
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Membranes Pore Size
  • Membranes Materials & Structure
  • Reverse Osmosis Definitions
  • Factors Affecting RO performance

RO Plant Configuration

  •  Pretreatment System Components
  •  ROMAS (Reverse Osmosis Membrane Assembly)
  •  Post Treatment System
  •  Orientation to R.O Plant” RO Equipment’s”
  •  Instrumentation
  •    Corrosion Control
  •  Flush/ Cleaning System
  •   Feed Water Specs
  •   Alarms and Protections

Day Three

RO Plant Operation

  • Start Up
  • RO Shutdown
  • Daily Operation Instructions
  • Chemicals Preparation
  • Back Wash Process
  • Cartridge Filters Replacement
  •  Membrane Flow & Probe Test
  •  Membrane Replacement
  •  SDI Test

 RO Plant Technical Techniques

  •  Unit’s conversion
  • Net Driving Pressure NDP
  • HPP & ERT Efficiency Calculations
  • Recovery Calculations
  •  Membranes Performance
  • Pump Selection” dozing, feed, etc”
  • Proper Installation of Flow Meters

Day Four

 RO Plant Maintenance

  •    Preventive Maintenance
  •    Condition Monitoring for Equipment
  •     High pressure Pump & Motor
  •     Membranes
  •    Pressure Vessels
  •   Feed/ Sea Water Intake / Flushing Pumps
  •    Pump /Motors Replacement & Alignment
  •   Equipment’s Lubrication

RO Plant Administrative

  •  Daily Log Report
  •   Weekly Trending
  •   Monthly Monitoring
  •   Performance Trends
  •   Housekeeping

Day Five

Troubleshooting RO & NF Systems

  • Importance of Record Keeping
  • General Rule of Troubleshooting
  • Signs of Trouble
  • Causes and Corrective Measures
  • Taking the Total System Approach

Cleaning RO and NF Membrane Elements

  •  Introductory Remarks
  • Defining a Foulant and Scalant
  • pH and Temperature Limits
  •  FT30 Resistance to Cleaning Agents
  • Cleaning System
  • Chemical Attack
  • Permeate Back Pressure
  • The Cleaning Process
  • Permeate Back Pressure
  • Cleaning Process


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