Best Practices For Leadership Development training For High Potential Employees





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4 Mar
- 8 Mar 2024

5 Days



2 Sep
- 6 Sep 2024

5 Days



23 Jun
- 27 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


25 Nov
- 29 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


Great leaders are hard to find and even harder to retain in a hyper-competitive market. Even the best-laid strategic plans can go awry if an organization fails to build a strong pipeline of future-ready leaders who can navigate the complexities of today’s business world. Your high-potential (HIPO) employees are critical to your organization’s current and future success.

In this interactive program, the participants will go through a journey about how organizations can identify and cultivate employees with the potential to be star performers. They will also understand what attracts employees to an organization, what motivates them to commit and engaged in an organization for the long term, and how can that commitment produce maximized results over the course of their careers.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Recognize how to identify high-potential employees
  • Develop the criteria for selecting high potentials
  • Discuss what organization’s benefits of developing high potentials
  • Discover the Career Derailers of high potentials
  • Apply steps to decrease derailments
  • Illustrate practices for implementing a high-potential development plan
  • Defend the value of employee engagement to an organization and explain it
  • Design, build and implement the requirements for an engagement culture
  • Evaluate and track the impact of engagement on business performance
  • Identify, develop and champion the required change initiatives
  • Evaluate techniques for Coaching, Counseling & Mentoring
  • Develop how to apply talent-fit coaching
  • Utilize motivational coaching techniques in the workplace.
  • Develop practical counseling skills to use with high potentials
  • Comprehend the concepts and appropriate methodology of mentoring

This course is made for:

  • Executive Secretaries
  •  Executive Personal Secretaries
  •  Personal Secretaries
  •  Executive Assistants
  •  Personal Assistants
  •  Office Managers
  •  Administration Managers
  •  Management Secretaries
  •  Senior Assistants


Identifying High Potential

  • Who’s High potential?
  • High Potential Vs. High Performers
  • The criteria for selecting high-potential employees
  • The benefit of developing high-potential employees
  • Career Derailers for high potential
  • What are career derailers
  • Examples of Derailment
  • Steps for Managers to Decrease Risks for Derailment
  • The mismatch between Leadership Development Learning & what High Potential Leaders Desire


Best practices for high-potential development

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