Application Of GIS In Construction Management





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18 Feb
- 22 Feb 2024

5 Days



4 Aug
- 8 Aug 2024

5 Days



27 May
- 31 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


10 Nov
- 14 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


GIS technology improves the mechanics and management for building new infrastructure by integrating design and site data, interfacing with machine control, and providing the framework for as-built data collection. All those involved in a project, such as engineers, owners, contractors, and the public, rely on the technology to open communication.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to :
  • Have a greater clarity of basic spatial data concepts and data types
  • Carry out practical spatial data analysis tasks in freely available software
  • Learn about the kind of questions that are answered through spatial analysis and where to obtain free spatial data
  • Analyze spatial data using both R and QGIS
  • Process raster and vector data in both R and QGIS
  • Show off your skills & gain experience by working on a real life conservation related spatial data analysis project
  • Start analyzing spatial data for your own projects using two powerful freeware tools
  • You’ll have a copy of all the data and R scripts used in the course will be provided to students for their reference and to use in their own analysis
  • You’ll also have plenty of handy hints and tips will be provided alongside the code to prevent glitches

This course is made for 

  • Academics
  • Researchers
  • Conservation managers
  • Anybody who works/will work with spatial data
Day One 
  • What is GIS?
  • Organize GIS Data
  • Data conversion
  • Conversion CAD-GIS data
  • Explore, import, summarize, calculation with tabular data
  • Import GPS and Geo-tagged data
  • Raster conversion and Mosaic dataset
  • Data extraction and clipping
Day Two
  • What types of data can you edit?
  • Advanced editing with vector data
  • Raster data creation from vector data
  • Designing a GIS Database and Queries
  • Creating feature dataset, feature class
  • Creating relationship class
  • Creating subtype and domain
  • Creating and managing topology dataset
Day Three
  • How overlay works
  • Impact analysis and physical planning with GIS
  • Choosing the appropriate tool
  • Suitability analysis for new city/facility/investment area with model builder
  • Automating of Routine Works and Presentation
  • Automating of CAD conversion with Model Builder in ArcGIS Pro
  • Import 3D objects from another formats
  • 3D city presentation with utility networks in ArcGIS Pro
Day Four
  • What is cartography and cartographic methods?
  •  Why symbolize your data? • Basics of symbology
  •  Vector data visualization • Raster data visualization
  •   What is labeling? • Labeling options in ArcGIS
  •  Basic and advanced labeling
  •   Create a Static Map: Layout Design
  •   Import CAD Data, 3D and 4D Modeling
Day Five
  • Rule based modeling with CityEngine
  • BIM-GIS Integration and Indoor Navigation
  • Brainstorming with participants
Training Subject
Training Location