Agility For Leaders Course – Achieving An Agile Mindset





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18 Feb
- 22 Feb 2024

5 Days



18 Aug
- 22 Aug 2024

5 Days



27 May
- 31 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


10 Nov
- 14 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


It is important that leaders in an Agile organization live the Agile Mindset to unlock the full benefits of Agile. Agile methodologies have become the preferred way of delivering great products, so in This course, you will learn how to transcend individual methodology by developing a mindset crafted from the most common values found across all agile approaches.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the agile mindset and how it is used to grow
  • Apply agile behaviors in your everyday tasks.
  • Identify your own weaknesses and use feedback for personal
  •  Effectively utilize the tools to inform and influence organization agility.
  •  Identify key stakeholders and how to build relationships that support agility.
  •  Motivate and engage employees to face challenges with positivity and
  • Discover how to apply the values from these methodologies across your entire organization.
  • Learn how to understand the origins of agile methodologies and what common traits the most popular agile methodologies share.
  • learn how to plan your agile journey by applying learning models to the knowledge that you’re gaining. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of agile needed to help your organization create sustainable agile change, regardless of what challenges might lie ahead.

This course is made for:

  • Leaders with at least five years of leadership experience in Both the corporate and the not-for-profit sectors.
  • C-suite executives
  • Senior directors
  • Team leaders, leaders in customer-facing and internal functions
  • Process coaches and others will all encounter new ideas for enabling innovation, transformation, and long-term performant
  • Professionals who want to improve cross-functional collaboration
  • Department heads, supervisors, and managers leading others
  • Professionals who have an interest in a leadership position
  • Anyone who wants to achieve personal growth and learn new skills
  • Decision-makers who manage challenging tasks and strict deadlines
  • Professionals who want to gain a competitive advantage in their career or industry


Course Overview


Understanding the History of Agile

  • Taking Your First Step on the ICAgile Certified Professional Learning Path
  • Exploring the Benefits of an Overarching Agile Approach
  • Beginning Your Journey to Becoming an ICAgile Certified Professional
  • Exploring a Structured Development Approach
  • Comparing a Structured Development Approach to an Agile Approach
  • Overcoming the Challenges of a Structured Development Process
  • Familiarizing Yourself with the Early Agile Methodologies


Making Sense of the Agile Manifesto

  • Understanding the Origins of the Agile Manifesto
  • Embracing the Values of Agile
  • Diving into the Agile Principles
  • Encouraging Collaboration Across Your Team
  • Delivering Value Consistently
  • Empowering Your Team to Reach Their Fullest Potential


Establishing an Agile Mindset

  • Expanding the Reach of Agile
  • Creating an Agile Sales Approach
  • Applying Agile to Marketing
  • Identifying the Common Traits of an Agile Mindset
  • Understanding How Today’s Methodologies Embody an Agile Approach


Charting Your Course to Agile Mastery

  • Establishing the Foundations of a Learning Model
  • Comparing Today’s Most Common Learning Models
  • Mapping the Shu-ha-ri Learning Model to a Common Agile Practice

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