Advanced Side Management and the Smart Grids





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5 Feb
- 9 Feb 2024

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29 Jul
- 2 Aug 2024

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28 Oct
- 1 Nov 2024

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The Demand-side Management project is a major project in the Smart Grid subprogram of the Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC). The goal of the project is to design foundational smart grid mechanisms and technologies to enable demand response, i.e., the scheduling and control of user load.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Effective, people-centric demand response mechanisms for aggregators: the goal of this part of our project is to make demand response – either through direct load control/scheduling or dynamic electricity pricing – effective for system operators, and appealing for end-users. Our aim is to design fully online load control algorithms that are efficient, so that they can reduce electricity cost or react to unpredictable green energy sources in dynamic environments. We also aim to design novel electricity pricing schemes that naturally align user consumption behavior with system reliability and cost saving objectives.
  • 2) Technologies to enable end users: the goal of this part of our project is to create user-friendly and low-cost system solutions that can help users better understand and control their electricity usage.

This course is made for 

  • Anyone who is keen to know about Smart Grids will benefit from this course. Whether you are an engineer or a professional working in an Energy & Utility environment or an IT professional, this course will equip you appropriately on the Smart Grid concepts and technologies.

Day One

  • Introduction to Smart Grid
  • Architecture of  Smart Grid System
  • Standards for Smart Grid System
  • Elements and Technologies of Smart Grid System 

Day Two

  • Elements and Technologies of Smart Grid Systems
  •  Distributed Generation Resources
  • Wide Area Monitoring
  • Phasor Estimation
  • Digital relays for Smart Grid Protection

Day Three

  • Islanding Detection Techniques
  • Smart Grid Protection
  • Modelling of Storage Devices
  • Modelling of DC Smart Grid components
  • Operation and control of AC Microgrid

Day Four

  • Operation and control of AC-DC hybrid Microgrid
  • Simulation and Case study of AC Microgrid
  • Simulation and Case Study of AC-DC Hybrid Microgrid

Day Five

  • Demand side management. of Smart Grid
  • Demand response analysis of Smart Grid
  • Energy Management
  • Design of Smart grid and Practical Smart Grid case study
  • System Analysis of AC/DC Smart Grid
  • Conclusions
Training Subject
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