Advanced Public Speaking And Presentation Skills For Executives





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14 Apr
- 16 Apr 2024

3 Days

Abu Dhabi


23 Sep
- 25 Sep 2024

3 Days



Public Speaking is the most significant form of communication. The public speech covers a broad range of different themes, and the objective of the speech involves providing information, influencing, or entertaining the listeners. Public speaking is an essential skill for individuals in business and exhibits the expertise of influence or the ability to win over the crowd.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Master your nerves and remain calm throughout
  • Design a world class presentation
  • Command the room and captivate your audience
  • Deliver a convincing presentation

This course is made for:

  • Account Managers,
  • Client Relationship Professionals,
  • Middle and Senior Manager,
  • Human Resource Professionals

Day One:

  • How to be a Successful Presenter
  • Delegate Needs Analysis and Introduction
  • Clarity, Structure, Revision
  • The Essentials of Effective Presentation
  • Why be a Presenter?
  • Who are your Audience?
  • Anticipating Questions
  • Keeping Your Audience Focused
  • How to Research

Day Two:

  • How to make the Perfect Slide Show
  • Advanced Slide Creation
  • Revising Your Presentation
  • How to Use Data and Visuals

Day Three:

  • Key Point Overview
  • Building Transitions
  • Delivering with Passion
  • Beginning with Impact
  • Capturing Attention
  • Holding Attention
  • Building Rapport
  • The Paradox of Public Speaking
  • Public Speaking Audience Needs Analysis
  • Finding Credible Sources for Public Speaking
  • Citations and their Importance
  • The Causes of Public Speaking Apprehension
  • How to Appear Confident


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