Advanced Petrophysics Integration of Core, Log Data and Machine Learning for Defining and Predicting Hydraulic Flow Units (HFU) and Generating Saturation Height Function Model (SHF)





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25 Feb
- 29 Feb 2024

5 Days



25 Aug
- 29 Aug 2024

5 Days



3 Jun
- 7 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


17 Nov
- 21 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This course  is highly interactive it can be customized to fit the need of clients, This course is essential for reservoir engineers, reservoir geologists, and Petrophysicists dealing with reservoir modeling. It will provide the different techniques to establish hydraulic flow units from core data. It will discuss the methods to predict the defined HFU for uncored wells and intervals. and will define the saturation height function (SHF) for different HFU either on capillary based or on log based.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Discuss and practice the different methods to propagate the defined HFU for uncored wells and intervals. NN, Fuzzy Logic, MRL, SOM, Cluster Analysis, PCA, Contingency Tables.
  •  Establish the saturation height function (SHF) for different HFU either on capillary or log based with reconciliation with logs.
  • Provide the different techniques to establish hydraulic flow units from core data; RQI, Winland R35, Pittman.

This course is made for 

  • Petro physicists.
  • Reservoir Geologist
  • Reservoir Engineers

Day One

 Data Preparation and QC

  •   Data Available Loading
  •   Log Data Editing and Create Flags
  •   PC Data QC and Corrections
  •   Data Visualization

Day Two

 Generate HFU

  • RQI
  • Winland R35
  • Pittman

Day Three

 Predicate HFU & Permeability

  • Principle Component Analysis
  •  Multiple Linear Regression
  •  Fuzzy Logic
  •  Cluster Analysis
  •  Self-Organizing Maps
  •  Neural Network
  •  Contingency Table

Day Four

Generate Saturation Height Modeling

  •   Fitting and Smoothing
  •   Averaging
  •   Reconciliation with Log Data

Day Five

  • Group discussion
  • Exercises using Software


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