Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) In Smart Grid
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Of late, there has been an increased demand in the implementation and roll-out of advanced metering infrastructure to improve load management, demand response, revenue protection, and customer service improvement. The deployment of this infrastructure enables energy utilities to support energy shortages, which is another important factor behind its uptake.
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:
- Understand the roadmap for future roll-out of the Smart Grid
- Gain insight into Smart Metering Devices and Principles of Operation
- Appreciate the role of BMS and SCADA systems in Advanced Metering Applications.
- Gain an understanding of the various elements involved in Smart Metering Technology
- Understand the importance of Accurate Electrical Metering Technology
- Gain an appreciation of the different types of Electricity Tariffs
- Gain a clear understanding of different types of Electrical Metering Instruments
- Be aware of what technologies can be employed to increase Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
This course is made for
- Power Trading
- Electrical Power Systems
- Infrastructure Systems
- Metering
- Engineering
- Transmission
- Distribution
- Networks
Day One
- Definition of Metering Terminology
- Components of Standard Electrical Metering Systems
- Types of Meters and Electricity Measurements
- Overview of Electrical Networks
- Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) systems
Day Two
- Industrial Metering Systems Architecture
- Typical Substation Layout
- Principals of Substation Electrical Metering Design
- Substation Automation Interfaces to IEC61850
- ION Energy Monitoring System
- Switchboard Power Metering Combinations
- Overview of AMI
- AMI System Architecture
- AMI Market Players
- Typical AMI Programme Roll-out
- Benefits of AMI Programmes
- AMI Standards and Regulations
- Advanced Electrical Sub-metering Systems
Day Three
- Electricity Tariff Structures
- Electricity Customer Behavior Trials
- Technology Trials and Pre-payment Systems
- Dynamic Pricing Strategies for AMI
- Top 10 myths of Dynamic Pricing
- Smart Meter Design Principals
- Real-Time Energy Displays for Advanced Metering
- AMI – Customer Concerns and Anxieties
- Advanced Metering Cyber Security Issues
- Smart Metering and Electrical Vehicles (EV)
- Billing Administrators & Customer Service Rep (CSR)
- Software Applications focusing on CSR
Day Four
- DSM Strategies
- Setting of DSM Targets
- Funding DSM Program
- DSM Program Execution
- DSM Regulatory Incentives
- Measurement and Verification Protocols
- Reasons for Peak Load Reduction
- Structure of Peak Load Reduction Scheme
- Reliability Payments to Customers
- Energy Payments to Customers
- Power System Infrastructure for Peak Demand Metering
Day Five
- Smart Grid align with Technology
- Switching to Smart Grid Technologies
- Objectives of Smart Grid Roll-out
- Smart Grid Economics
- Smart Grid Road Maps
- Challenges to meeting Smart Grid Goals
- Smart Grid Demonstration Program
- Modern Grid Strategy Defined
- The case for Grid Modernization
- Benefits of Electricity Grid Upgrading
- Pathway to a Modern Grid
- Current Developments on Grid Modernization
- Standards, Interoperability, & Cybersecurity
- Introduction to BMS and SCADA
- SCADA and BMS System Architecture
- Typical BMS Electrical Metering Application
- Smart Home Metering Systems
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