Advanced Fiber Optic Networks Installation &Amp; Design In Power System Applications





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4 Feb
- 8 Feb 2024

5 Days



4 Aug
- 8 Aug 2024

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15 Jul
- 19 Jul 2024

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23 Dec
- 27 Dec 2024

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Fiber Optic Network Design refers to the specialized processes leading to a successful Installation and Operation of a Fiber Optic Network. It includes determining first, the type of Communication Systems which will be carried over the network, the Geographic Layout (premises, campus, outside plant (OSP, etc.), the transmission equipment required and the fiber network over which it will operate.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Analyze signal distortion between transmitter and receiver in a simple fiber-optic point-to-point link with respect to attenuation and pulse dispersion.
  • Do a qualitative estimation of the maximum transmission distance L at a given signal data rate.
  • Do a quantitative characterization of the signal detection process and definition of the minimal detectable optical power for a particular type of signal distortion with respect to a detection error criterion.
  • Understand optical system components with typical specifications and applications.

This course is made for 

  • Electrical Engineer
  • Electrical Project Engineer
  • Electronics-research engineer
  • Instrumentation and Electrical (I&E) Reliability Engineer
  • Power Systems Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Test Engineer
  • illuminating engineer
  • Technician, semicon

Day One

  •   Introduction, need for optical communication, salient features of optical fibers, ray theory of light guidance, numerical
    aperture, modes of a fiber, single and multimode fibers, step-index and graded-index fibers, fiber fabrication techniques
  •  Transmission characteristics of optical fibers, attenuation, pulse broadening mechanism, intermodal dispersion, bit rate –
    length product, material dispersion, electromagnetic wave analysis of light propagation in an infinitely extended medium, em
    waves in dielectrics, boundary conditions

Day Two

  •   Electromagnetic analysis of planar optical waveguides, TE and TM modes, planar mirror waveguide, dielectric symmetric step-
    index, planar waveguide, symmetric and anti-symmetric modes, b-V curves, modal fields
  •   Power associated with modes of dielectric symmetric planar waveguide, asymmetric planar waveguide, single polarization
    single mode waveguide, excitation of guided modes by prism coupling technique, radiation modes, optical fiber waveguide,
    EH and HE modes, weakly guiding fibers, LP modes, mode cut-offs, b-V curves

Day Three

  •   Optical fiber modes, field patterns, degeneracies, fractional power in the core, single mode fiber, cut-off wavelength, mode
    field diameter, bend loss, splice loss, waveguide dispersion, group delay
  •  Total chromatic dispersion, pulse broadening and chirping, dispersion in graded-index and multilayer fibers, optical fiber
    components and devices, directional coupler, power splitter, WDM coupler, polarization controllers, fiber Bragg gratings

Day Four

  •   Various types of fiber Bragg gratings, fabrication methods, applications, long period gratings, optical fiber amplifier, erbium
    doped fiber amplifier, dispersion management, dispersion shifted fiber, dispersion compensating fiber, sources for optical fiber
    communication, light emitting diode, internal and external quantum efficiencies, LED characteristics, laser diode

Day Five

  •   Detectors for optical communication, p-i-n photodetector, APD, System design, dispersion and attenuation limited systems,
    BER, power budgeting of fiber link, recent advances
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