Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources





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25 Feb
- 29 Feb 2024

5 Days



25 Aug
- 29 Aug 2024

5 Days



3 Jul
- 7 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


17 Nov
- 21 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Artificial intelligence is improving and influencing the human resources sector, especially in recruitment processes and the automation of administrative functions. This course covers the concept of artificial intelligence and how it changes the process and management of human resources.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand of what artificial intelligence is,
  • Learn human resource challenges
  • Use artificial intelligence to address challenges
  • Determine the use cases of artificial intelligence in the human resources sector
  • Learn about the impact of artificial intelligence on human resources
  • Create an effective training plan
  • Create recommendations
  • Anticipate future performance

This course is made for 

  • Business Men
  • Business Unit Managers
  • Business Development consultants
  • Marketing Consultants
  • Marketing Development Managers
  • General Managers
  • Leaders

Day One 

AI and  HR

  • Introduction to HR
  • HR Challenges
  • Introduction to AI
  • Applying AI in Human Resources Management
  • Common Application of AI in HR
  • Candidate Sourcing
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Service Provision

Day Two 

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources

  • Automate tedious and time-consuming tasks
  • Increase human capabilities
  • Exaggeration of human functions
  • Shaping the future of work with AI and augmentation
  • Impact of artificial intelligence and augmentation on individuals and the organization
  • Implement AI tools within HR

Day Three

Use Cases of AI in HR

  • Predicting Employee Attrition
  • Employee Attrition
  • Classification with Deep Learning
  • Data for Employee Attrition
  • Pre-processing Attrition Date
  • Building an Attrition Model with Keras
  • Predicting Attrition with Keras

Day Four 

Mapping Collaboration

  • Organizational design
  • Network analysis
  • Data for network analysis
  • Prepare Network Data
  • Create and Visualize Networks

Day Five 

Creating Training Plans and Recommendations

  • Employee Development
  • User item recommendations
  • Ratings data for recommendations
  • Building a Keras rating model
  • Recommending Courses with Keras



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