The Negotiation Skills Masterclass





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

5 Days



21 Jul
- 25 Jul 2024

5 Days



Are you ready to transform your negotiation skills and boost your career? Look no further! Our comprehensive, hands-on negotiation course covers everything you need to know to become a confident, persuasive, and effective negotiator.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand what negotiation means in business and/or commercial context and how existing skills needed for negotiation can be either honed or improved
  • Learn how to hone/improve/acquire better negotiation skills development through practice and technique and by watching more experienced colleagues in action in the workplace
  • Recognize that for important negotiations, there is no substitute for detailed planning and thorough preparation
  • Understand some of the science and why it matters such as “interests” and their impact on the outcome, options, BATNA and WATNA in negotiation, giving and receiving concessions, win-win and other similar elements
  • Learn how to construct and deliver proposals confidently
  • Learn how best to deal with challenging negotiations and to recognize that for some this is merely a high-stakes “game”
  • Understand and through understanding learn how to master the psychological elements of negotiations with negotiation methods

This course is made for:

  • individuals from all walks of life who seek to improve their negotiation skills and achieve better outcomes in personal and professional settings.
  • Professionals such as salespeople, managers, business owners, consultants, and entrepreneurs who regularly engage in negotiations as part of their job responsibilities.

Day One:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to negotiation?
  • What do we mean by negotiation?
  • How does it differ from persuasion?
  • The Process of Negotiation

Day Two:

  • The “soft” parts of the negotiation
  • The importance of behavioral elements
  • The importance of psychological elements
  • Setting realistic and achievable objectives in the negotiation
  • The minimum communication skills needed for effective negotiation

Day Three:

  • Assessing information in real-time
  • Establishing rapport and setting parameters
  • Is a Win-Win situation a realistic goal?
  • What is the significance of interests?
  • Understanding the difference between positions and interests
  • Identifying and prioritising your interests
  • Identifying and understanding the clients/counterparties’ interests

Day Four:

  • What do we mean by this term?
  • Planning and preparing for options
  • Having a clear idea of deal breakers
  • Generating and evaluating possible options
  • The importance of setting an option matrix
  • Evaluate the options
  • Being realistic about where you think it will end
  • Is there a “win” or would a near-win compromise be better?

Day Five:

  • Setting clear objectives during the negotiation
  • Being prepared to lose when it makes commercial sense
  • When to say no and be prepared to walk away
  • Key personality traits – most of us are a mix
  • Behavioral approaches & body language
  • The professional aggressor
  • Deadlocks, Standstills & Concessions
  • Tricks, Traps & Tactics – but be careful, use these sparingly and avoid if they fail
  • When & Where to Negotiate – Electronic


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