Treasury And Cash Flow Management





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

5 Days



21 Jul
- 25 Jul 2024

5 Days



The treasury profession is growing and increasingly attracting innovative, numerate individuals. A career in treasury is an opportunity to work at the heart of an organization providing valuable support to all key functions. Treasury employees research, analyze and inform policy decision-makers on current and emerging economic issues facing the business.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Financial statements and financial reporting.
  • Forecasting , planning techniques and budget preparation.
  • Cost accounting and operational efficiency.
  • Performance analysis and responsibility accounting.
  • Risk analysis and internal control.

This course is made for 

  • All accounting and finance professionals who are currently working, or seeking to work, in the treasury department, financing, dealing with banks.

Day One

  • An overview of treasury management
  • Market volatility – establishing the need for effective treasury management
  • The strategic role and scope of treasury management
  • Financial management

Day Two

  • Corporate financial planning and engineering strategies and techniques
  • Liability management strategies, objectives, tools and techniques
  • Risk management

Day Three

  • Understanding the various market risks that exist
  • A brief overview of various types of market risk measurement, including mark-to-market and value-at-risk (VaR) techniques
  • Tools for market risk management, including limit setting and stress testing

Day Four

  • Interest rate risk
  • Cash management best practices and techniques
  • Preparing and understanding cash flow statements and financial forecasts

Day Five

  • Netting and pooling concepts – treasury and cash management within multinational organizations
  • A summary overview of the concepts of investment risks and portfolio investment returns


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