Certified Business Development Professional





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11 Feb
- 15 Feb 2024

5 Days



5 Aug
- 9 Aug 2024

5 Days



The course involves a variety of case studies and exercises to develop the skills needed to become a successful business development professional. Group presentations and self-assessment tools are also available for the same purpose.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Define the main functions and best practices in Business Development (BD).
  • Recognize the importance of business planning to match the ever-changing market and customer requirements.
  • Use negotiation skills to produce clear sales and marketing differentiators to neutralize competition.
  • Build and lead a high-performing business development team to seize business opportunities effectively.

This course is made for

  • Account qualification,
  • Customer relationship management,
  • Sales negotiation,
  • Business planning,
  • Lead generation,
  • Writing business proposals,
  • Team building

Day One

  • Overview of account analysis and qualification
  • Understanding the buy-sell ladder model
  • Understanding and working the customer loyalty ladder

Day Two

  • Strategic analysis
  • Targets and goals
  • Conducting customer surveys
  • Preparing an account development plan
  • Developing and implementing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Day Three

  • Some negotiation philosophies
  • The difference between persuading and negotiating
  • The five stages of the negotiation process
  • The critical rules of negotiation

Day Four

  • Defining team roles
  • Leadership principles and concepts
  • The five practices of exemplary leaders®

Day Five

  • Writing a typical business proposal
  • Formatting tips and tricks for winning proposals
  • The process of developing successful project proposals
  • Contract terms and conditions


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