Professional Business Correspondence





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

5 Days



23 Sep
- 27 Sep 2024

5 Days



14 Jul
- 18 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


22 Dec
- 26 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Business correspondence is the main component of effective business communication, the most common and trusted way to interact with people within your organization, and other organizations, and with customers. Thus, business writing skills are vital for creating a thriving and prominent career, no matter what position you have.

This business correspondence training course helps you to master every element you use to communicate daily, from effective business email writing to sophisticated proposals, online chat, video messages, etc. In this course, we’ll cover all the aspects of professional writing how to compose all types of business letters, overcome writer’s block, get acquainted with the best styles of business writing and understand how to use each style to get the results you want from your messages in the most efficient way.


By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand how and when you should use different types of business correspondence
  • Refine your professional email writing with proven tactics that allow your letters to stand out
  • Gain insights into all types of business letters: sales letters, order letters, follow-up letters, etc.
  • Explore how to get people to act – turn business correspondence into your secret weapon
  • Master modern business correspondence methods, such as social media, SMS, messengers and more.

This course is made for:

  • Receptionists
  • Front Desk Personnel
  • Marketing and Sales Personnel
  • Business Professionals
  • Administrative Staff
  • All professionals who use English as a second language
  • Everyone who uses email communication on a daily basis


  • Learn how to switch between informal and formal styles skillfully
  • Overcome the fear of a blank page and learn how to start more effectively
  • Write business letters that meet all international standards


  • Master effective email writing to achieve clarity and successful communication
  • Boost your professionalism and get the opportunity to stand out at work

Day Three :

  • Better identify your audience and tailor your message to them
  • Write clear memos and reports that deliver tangible results

Day Four :

  • Understand common mistakes in business writing and how to avoid them
  • Use social media messages and messengers with maximum efficiency

Day Five :

  • Create business proposals that stand out from the competition
  • Learn how to compose messages that deliver the desired outcome


Training Subject
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