Certified Contract Manager





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23 Jun
- 27 Jun 2024

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26 Feb
- 1 Mar 2024

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22 Dec
- 26 Dec 2024

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15 Apr
- 19 Apr 2024

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13 May
- 17 May 2024

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6 Oct
- 10 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


The Certified Professional Contract Manager CPCM certification is an internationally recognized credential that shows personal proven knowledge and skills in contract administration. This certification gives you expertise on how to train, and retain expensive contracts. This certification training course aids professionals to attain the essential subject knowledge and skills to acquire the highly valued CPCM certification. This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools required to manage contracts from inception to closure. Participants in this interactive course will learn about the activities included in each phase of a contract’s life cycle, methodologies used to manage each of these activities, and the best practices used in contract management. The course will cover some  critical areas such as contract preparation, contract award, and contract administration.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Identify principles, definitions, and major steps involved in the contracting process
  • Outline all contract preparation activities, including planning, developing the scope of work and identifying sourcing options
  • Recognize different types of contracts and the effect of each type on the risk allocation strategy
  • Develop criteria to invite, receive and evaluate bids
  • Apply contract administration tools and techniques to effectively manage the contract and avoid disputes during implementation
  • Resolve disputes collaboratively and amicably and outline alternative dispute resolution methods

This course is made for:

  • Contract Administrator
  • Contract Manager
  • Professionals Procurement Manager
  • Project Managers
  • Sales and Marketing Managers
  • Commercial Excellence Officer
  • Supply Chain Managers
  • Brand Managers

Day One:

Principles of Contracts

  • Defining a contract
  • Elements of a contract
  • Important concepts used in contract management
  • Contract stages
  • Problems in preparing and managing contracts

Day Two:

Contract Preparation

  • Setting up a contracting strategy
  • Developing a Scope of Work
  • Terms and conditions
  • Developing evaluation criteria
  • Determining sourcing strategy
  • Pre-qualification criteria
  • Preparing requests for proposal

Contract Types and Strategies

  • Fixed-price contracts
  • Cost reimbursable contracts
  • Time and material contracts
  • Payment terms

Day Three:

Tendering and Bids Evaluation

  • Objectives of tendering
  • Tendering process
  • Preliminary examination of bids
  • Technical evaluation
  • Commercial evaluation
  • Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT)

Day Four:

Contract Administration

  • Purpose of contract administration
  • Documents needed to administer a contract
  • Contract administration tools
  • Role of contract administrators
  • Final settlement

Day Five:

Claims and Variation Orders

  • Breach of contract
  • Money damages
  • Equitable remedies
  • Changes and modifications
  • Alternative Dispute Resolutions
Training Subject
Training Location