Providing World-Class CustomerExperience, Service and Satisfaction





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5 Feb
- 14 Feb 2024

10 Days



5 Aug
- 14 Aug 2024

10 Days



19 May
- 28 May 2024

10 Days

Virtual Online


28 Oct
- 6 Nov 2024

10 Days

Virtual Online


Customer service gets a lot of attention these days and yet many companies still aren’t doing all they can to deliver a world-class customer service. This means potential customers will probably go searching elsewhere for a company that pays attention to their needs and makes it easier to do business. World-Class Customer Experience, Service and Satisfaction training course will give your company a crucial strategic advantage in your markets. At the time where the internet has reduced so many brands to mere commodities, to be price compared with just a few clicks, it has emerged that giving customers superb service and world-class customer experiences is the last great strategic point of differentiation.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Use excellent communications skills to provide world-beating service
  • Develop excellent leaderships skills to drive the necessary changes
  • Learn excellent planning skills
  • Learn to use and apply the tools of continuous improvement
  • Enable attendees to use planning skills to develop codes of conduct for customer satisfaction
  • Understand that complaints are a gift and develop robust systems for collecting and dealing with complaints
  • Develop the skills of constructive challenge to enable potential disputes to be settled along world-class benchmarked systems

This course is made for

  • CEOs
  • Board Members
  • Marketing Directors
  • Business Excellence Officers
  • Consumer Affairs Champions
  • Customer Service Executives
  • Brand Managers
  • Marketing Managers
  • Sales Managers
  • Global Account Managers

Day One 

Building a ISO 9001 Customer-Focused Communication Process

  • What is ISO 9001?
  • Understanding the key components of ISO 9001
  • Identifying customer communication barriers
  • Active listening and questioning skills to improve customer relations
  • Interpreting your customer’s nonverbal communication
  • How to determine your DISC communication style?

Day Two 

Principles of ISO 9001 and Total Quality Management “TQM”

  • The origin and philosophy behind TQM
  • ISO 9001 8 principles
  • Deming’s fourteen points of TQM
  • Traditional management vs. Total Quality Management
  • Obstacles to implementing TQM
  • ISO 9001 Customer Service Excellence

Day Three

Customer Service Satisfaction Requirements

  • What do your customers expect from you?
  • Going the extra mile to exceed expectations
  • Your attitude makes a difference
  • Measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction
  • Empowering employees to better serve their customers
  • Customer service satisfaction survey

Day Four

Customer Service Recovery Strategies

  • The Importance of customer complaints and why they should be encouraged
  • The impact of social media on customer service complaints
  • The role of the supervisor in conflict resolution
  • Techniques for managing emotions
  • Strategies to help calm upset customers
  • Service recovery strategies for working with difficult customers

Day Five

Implementing an ISO 9001 System

  • Role of top management in ISO 9001
  • Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology
  • Internal audit purpose and process
  • Internal audit elements
  • Setting smart goals for continuous improvement
  • Developing your ISO 9001 action plan

Day six

ISO 10001 – Customer Satisfaction

  • Understanding ISO 10001
  • Meeting the standard – Product (service) delivery
  • Meeting the standard – Product Returns
  • Advertising standards
  • Meeting the standard – Customer personal information handling
  • Meeting the standard – Developing a customer satisfaction Code of Conduct

Day Seven

ISO 10002 – Complaints Handling

  • Creating a customer feedback system
  • How to handle complaints
  • Developing a positive customer complaints handling process
  • Analyzing customer complaints and service amendments resulting
  • Resourcing your complaints handling system
  • Culture changes required
  • Analyzing and evaluating complaints successfully

Day Eight

ISO 10003 – Dispute Resolution

  • The essentials of fair, transparent and accessible dispute resolution/handling domestic disputes
  • Handling cross-border/international disputes
  • E-Commerce disputes
  • Processes for dispute resolution
  • Monitoring and evaluating your dispute resolution processes.
  • Guidance on management involvement in the dispute resolution process
  • Guidance on the selection of providers and use of their services

Day Nine

ISO 10004 – Monitoring and Measuring Customer Satisfaction

  • Scoping your quality management system
  • Effective process measurement principles
  • Effective process monitoring principles
  • Analysis and evaluation techniques
  • Metrics, KPIs and dashboards
  • Management reporting

Day Ten

Producing your submission

  • How the standards tie into existing customer service policies
  • Customer Focus (ISO 9001)
  • Quality Objectives (ISO 9001)
  • Customer Communication (ISO 9001)
  • Customer Satisfaction (ISO 9001)
  • How to integrate the new standards into existing practices
  • Integrating the new standards with existing styles
  • Integrating with current standards on complaints (ISO 9004)
  • Creating a coherent policy spanning ISO 9000 ‘family’ and ISO 10001 – 4)

N.B: Exam fees are not included

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