Quality Assurance in Practice





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29 Jan
- 2 Feb 2024

5 Days



29 Jul
- 2 Aug 2024

5 Days



12 May
- 16 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


21 Oct
- 25 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Quality is extremely hard to define, It is all about meeting the needs and expectations of customers with respect to the function, design, reliability, durability and price of the product. Assurance is a positive declaration on a product or service, which gives confidence. It is certainty of a product or a service, which it will work well. Quality Assurance in Practice will provide participants with a sound understanding of a practical approach to developing quality assurance in their organizations. This Management & Leadership training course examines the well-known ISO9001 framework as a foundation for developing quality assurance.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • State the benefits of the PDCA approach
  • Understand the importance of risk based thinking in a quality management system
  • Have an awareness of organizational context and what it means in the quality management system
  • State the benefits of audit in a quality management system and understand some of the practical requirements of management systems auditing
  • Practice audit techniques
  • Appreciate the essentials of document control systems

This course is made for

  • Department Managers
  • Quality control and Quality assurance staff
  • Team Supervisors
  • Human Resources Managers
  • Finance Professionals
  • Finance Audit

Day One 

Planning and Operating a Quality Management System

  • Establishing Policies
  • Planning for a Quality Management System
  • Assessing Risk and Opportunity within a Quality Management System
  • Supporting Your System
  • Operations, Planning and Control

Day Two 

Designing and Implementing ISO9001

  • The PDCA Approach
  • Risk Based Thinking
  • The Organization and Context
  • Needs and Expectation of Interested Parties
  • Significance of Effective Leadership Roles
  • Role and Responsibilities of Leaders in ISO9001
  • Culture of Quality – The Role of TQM

Day Three

Audit as a Management Tool

  • Management Systems Auditing
  • The Face of a Systems Auditor
  • Requirements of ISO19011
  • Types of Systems Audits
  • Planning Audits
  • Audit as Part of Performance Monitoring and Organizational Improvement

Day Four

Audit in Practice

  • Developing a Programme of Audits
  • Planning an Audit
  • Opening Meetings
  • Audit Questions and Use of Check Lists
  • Conducting the Audit

Day Five

Document Management in Your Quality Management System

  • Building a Document Control System
  • Document Life Cycles
  • Consistency in Document Appearance, Notation and Circulation
  • Maintaining the Integrity of Document Controls
  • Availability of Documents to Interested Parties

N.B: Exam fees are not included

Training Subject
Training Location