Fundamentals of Asset Management





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3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days



1 Sep
- 5 Sep 2024

5 Days



10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The management of physical assets is critical to the economy of many countries. How we manage assets determines the efficiency of organisations and how competitive we are in the world market. Much money is spent annually on maintaining and developing the asset base and providing services to improve Asset Management has in itself become a major competitive market internationally. Asset Management has been recognized as the tool to improved investment decision making across all sectors, from Aerospace, Manufacturing, Public Transport and Electricity and Water Production & Distribution. Regulators require to develop and present strategic Asset Management Plans aligned with the corporate strategy.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Explain what Asset Management is and how it can contribute to the realization of the corporate strategy of your organization
  • Understand the content and value of ISO 55000, the international standard on Asset Management
  • Distinguish between property management and asset management, and identify where they overlap
  • Identify the asset management function in the life of the property
  • Examine the basics of a management plan, marketing plan, and the standard components of a property management agreement
  • Assess the current state of Asset Management best practices

This course is made for

  • Facilities Management staff
  • Building Maintenance employees
  • IT team
  • Operations and Finance Departments
  • Asset managers and analysts

Day One

Principals of Asset Management

  • Asset Management as a Business Process
  • Asset Management Scope & Definitions
  • Asset Management Conceptual Model
  • Asset Management Strategy & Planning
  • Asset Management Roles – about roles, expectations and responsibilities
  • ISO 550000 – The International Standard on Asset Management
  • Certification Procedure

Day Two

Assessing & Managing Asset Management Risks

  • Identification and Assessment of Risk
  • Risk in Asset Management
  • Significance of Risk
  • Risk on Business Level
  • Stakeholder Risks
  • Risk on Asset Level

Day Three

Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Planning

  • Asset Management Policy
  • Developing Asset Management Plan
  • Implementing Asset Management Plan
  • Long Term Maintenance & Investment Planning
  • Information and Configuration Management

Day Four

Managing Asset Life cycle Decisions & Activities

  • Life Cycle of Assets and its Aspect
  • Systems Engineering
  • RAMS Aspects (Reliability Availability Maintainability Safety)
  • Renewal, Disposal and Lifetime Extension
  • Sourcing & Outsourcing

Day Five

Financial & Business Impact of Asset Management

  • Financial Management
  • Budgeting
  • Life Cycle Costing
  • The Business Case for Asset Management

N.B: Exam fees are not included

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