Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Workplace of the Future





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3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days



1 Sep
- 5 Sep 2024

5 Days



10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Artificial intelligence, bots, and automation are rapidly gaining a foothold in the workplace, faster than many organizations ever expected. This course covers in-depth knowledge and experience in autonomous systems and different approaches to artificial intelligence and its impact on the development of organizations.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Learn about application of robotics and it’s affect on workplace
  • Learn about artificial intelligence applications
  • Learn about ethical challenges
  • Develop the skills, knowledge and practical experience required to work on the latest technologies and applications

This course is made for 

  • Employees in data analysis
  • Professionals in data analysis
  • Managers
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Researcher

Day One 

AI and its Application

  • AI Tasks
  • Robotics Overview
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • AI in Robotics
  • Robotic Hardware
  • Robot Perceptions
  • Robotic Software Architectures
  • Applications

Day Two 

Introduction to the Rise of AI and Robotics

  • The Future of  AI and Robotics
  • Business Advisor Powered  by AI and Robotics 
  • The Economic Impact of AI and Robotics
  • Functional areas where AI and Robotics are mostly used

Day Three

AI and Robotics in the Workplace

  • AI in the HR
  • Automating HR HelpDesk with AI tools
  • Sales Acceleration Redefined
  • Cobots
  • Chatbots
  • Wearables and AI at work
  • Gig Work

Day Four 

Robotics, AI opportunity matrix

  • Use Cases by Porter’s value chain
  • Primary Activities
  • Supporting Activities
  • Use Cases 
  • NLP
  • Image Recognition
  • Machine Learning

Day Five 

Successful AI projects

  • Project Process
  • Ideation 
  • Problem Definition
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Model Development
  • Implementation
  • Skills and Capabilities
  • Organizational Changes
  • 10 Pitfalls
Training Subject
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