Certificate in Global Downstream Oil & Gas Operations





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25 Aug
- 29 Aug 2024

5 Days



26 Feb
- 1 Mar 2024

5 Days



17 Nov
- 21 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


9 Jun
- 13 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online

5 Days

The roadmap for transport and future energy markets will not be complete without Downstream oil & gas industry so this course focuses on the success factors in the Downstream oil & gas operations.

In other hand The analytics insights presented here will provide decision makers with the key facts and information they require to future-proof their business models. so we will  include the  petroleum refining processes and their integration with petrochemicals to significantly improve return on investments and add process efficiencies. Furthermore, combining business strategies of Upstream with Downstream to reduce corporate risk exposure due to crude oil price volatility, environmental and climatic control regulations. Balancing this huge corporate price-risk would make your company more profitable and competitive.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the strategies in a refinery, refined products sales & marketing
  • Understand all the basics of Downstream oil & gas processes and operations
  • Master Downstream profitability drivers
  • Be cognizant of the current changes in the Downstream business
  • Maximize the profitability of refinery operations
  • The integration of refinery and petrochemicals to improve Net Return

This course is made for 

  • Negotiators and Contracting Professionals
  • Trading Professionals
  • Refinery Professionals
  • Supply Planners & Scheduling Professionals
  • Government Regulators
  • Law Professionals
  • Tax & Finance Advisors
  • Auditing Personnel
  • Business Development Managers
  • Corporate Planning Professionals
  • Geoscience & Engineering Professionals
  • Compliance Officers
  • Equity Analyst and Bankers
  • Joint Venture Officers

Day One

  • Broad Perspective of Petroleum Refining, and Sales & Marketing of Refined Products
  • Global and Regional Supplies; and Trade Routes of Oil, LNG and Refined Products

Day Two

  • Basic Principles in Pricing, Oil Supply-Demand Balance, and its Impact on Prices
  • Fundamentals of All Transportation – Pipelines, FLNG, VLCC’s, Tankers and Chartering

Day Three

  • Refinery Optimization and Refinery Economics
  • Petrochemicals and its Integration with Refining that Results in Improved Profitability

Day Four

  • Downstream Markets Structures and Trading
  • Oil Market Derivatives – Futures, Forwards, Swaps, Option

Day Five

  • Managing Risk and Maximizing Downstream Profits
  • Challenges to Petroleum Industry and Trends in New Technology
Training Subject
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