Data Analysis and Visualization





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12 Feb
- 16 Feb 2024

5 Days



12 Aug
- 16 Aug 2024

5 Days



20 May
- 24 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


3 Nov
- 7 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Data analysis is the process of extracting information from data. It involves multiple stages, including establishing a data set, preparing the data for processing, applying models, identifying key findings and creating reports. Data analysis aims to find actionable insights that can inform decision-making. Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data in a pictorial or graphical format. Data and visual analytics is an emerging field concerned with analyzing, modeling, and visualizing complex high dimensional data.

Data analysis and visualization program is created for beginners who have never programmed before and want to build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up as well as begin the artificial intelligent, machine learning or data science track

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Utilize statistical tools for working with data sets
  • Use Python to solve tasks
  • Explain what Data Analytics is and the key steps in the Data Analytics process.
  • Manage pandas in a data analysis context
  • Manage data import and cleaning for different types of data
  • Practice using different data visualization libraries and extracting insights from them
  • Describe the data ecosystem, tasks a Data Analyst performs, as well as skills and tools required for successful data analysis
  • Analyze machine learning algorithms for working with datasets

This course is made for :

  • Data analysts
  • Data architect
  • Data science specialist
  • Programmers

Day One

Data analysis software tools

  • Introduction to data analysis and visualization
  • Excel, R, MINITAB, MATLAB, and Python
  • Data Analysis Tools Resources

Day Two

Statistical process control

  • Control and Specification Limits
  • Variation Analysis
  • Process Performance

Day Three

Data visualization

  • What is data visualization
  • Data visualization vs data mining
  • Human cognition
  • HMI
  • Common pitfalls

Day Four

Data visualization

  • Tableau, Excel, and Power BI
  • Insight Evaluation
  • Visualization Tools Resource
  • Testing and Re-Evaluation Resources

Day Five

Data Preparation

  • Ingestion, selection, cleansing, and transformation
  • Ensuring data quality – correctness, meaningfulness, and security
  • Exception reports
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