Data Science Specialization





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

5 Days



23 Sep
- 27 Sep 2024

5 Days



14 Jul
- 18 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


22 Dec
- 26 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The science concerned with the discovery of information from large volumes of unstructured data is called data science. This field has high practical relevance, as the generation and application of information is an important economic activity in today’s world. For example, data science techniques can be used in information systems for maintaining an information model of the dynamic environment, based on things like real-time sensor data. These information models, in turn, can be used to offer tailored services to the users in the environment. This Specialization covers the concepts and tools you’ll need throughout the entire data science pipeline, from asking the right kinds of questions to making inferences and publishing results. In the final Capstone Project, you’ll apply the skills learned by building a data product using real-world data

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Describe what is data science, the various activities of a data scientist’s job, and methodology to think and work like a data scientist
  • Develop hands-on skills using the tools, languages, and libraries used by professional data scientists  
  • Import and clean data sets, analyze and visualize data, and build and evaluate machine learning models and pipelines using Python
  • Apply various data science skills, techniques, and tools to complete a project using a real-world data set and publish a report for stakeholder
  • Describe the various paths that can lead to a career in data science.

This course is made for :

  • Data science specialist
  • IT developers
  • Sales and marketing specialist
  • Brand creators
  • Software designers

Day One

Define data science

  • Fundamentals of data science
  • Paths to data science
  • Data science solution
  • Cloud of data science

Day Two

Data science topics

  • Data science skills
  • Application of machine learning
  • Foundation of big data

Day Three

Data science in business

  • Data science applications
  • How companies get started of data science
  • Careers in data science

Day Four

Data science project

  • Data collection
  • Data cleaning
  • Explore data analysis
  • Modelling
  • Deployment

Day Five

Machine learning

  • Logistic regression
  • Building leaner regression
  • Clustering
Training Subject
Training Location