HACCP Emplemention Programme





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26 Feb
- 1 Mar 2024

5 Days



25 Aug
- 29 Aug 2025

5 Days



17 Nov
- 21 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


9 Jun
- 13 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) based systems are a legal and / or customer requirement for all food businesses. Learn how to develop and implement an effective food safety system, incorporating Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP).

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Be familiar with Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Techniques
  • Participate in a HACCP team, co-ordinate the work of a HACCP team
  • Develop and Implement a HACCP plan and verify its effectiveness
  • Understand the legal requirements of the Hygiene Packages (852/2004, 178/2002)
  • Be familiar with the Irish and International Standards specific to their sector
  • Understand the elements and importance of an effective prerequisite program
  • Understand the Seven Principles and common terms involved in HACCP

This course is made for:

  • Engineering/Maintenance Personnel
  • Regulatory Personnel
  • Supply Chain Personnel
  • Human Resources
  • General management who wish to acquire a broad knowledge of Food Safety issues
  • Quality Assurance/Technical, Production Personnel and Maintenance/Engineering who have specific responsibilities for Food Safety as part of a HACCP Team
  • Catering Managers/Chefs who supervise food handlers
  • Retail Fresh Food Managers


  • Tutor/Delegate Introduction
  • Causes of Food Poisoning
  • Legislation:
    178/2002, 852/2004
    Commission Notice 2016/C 278/01
  • Code of Practice:
    Irish Standard IS 340 / IS 341
    International Standard ISO 22000 (FSSC)
    BRC Global Food Safety Standard


  • Key Definitions
  • Management Commitment
  • Pre-requisite Program (G.M.P.)
  • History/Benefit of HACCP
  • HACCP Plan Development
  • Twelve Steps covering 7 Codex Principles


  • Principle 1 – Identify Hazards
    – Risk Assessment
  • Principle 2 – Identify Critical Control Points
  • Principle 3 – Establish Critical Limits & Validate
  • Principle 4 – Establish Monitoring System


  • Principle 4 – Establish Monitoring System
  • Principle 5 – Establish Corrective Action Procedure
  • Principle 6 – Establish Documentation
  • Work instructions
  • Checksheets


  • Principle 7 – Establish Verification Procedure / Review
  • Note: Principle 1-7 are conducted via Workshops
  • Course Review / Evaluation
Training Subject
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