Reputation Management Course





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18 Feb
- 22 Feb 2024

5 Days



18 Aug
- 22 Aug 2024

5 Days



27 May
- 31 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


10 Nov
- 14 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


We all know the value of reputation. People with a high reputation are talked about more, are sought after, and can command higher positions in society and higher salaries. Similarly, in the business world having a great reputation makes you a preferred choice, allows you to charge higher prices, and leads to more satisfied staff and customers. If your reputation is negative you may not even be given a chance.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the drivers of reputation and how to manage them
  • Discover how transparency builds trust and reputation for an organization.
  • Get the right attention for your brand.
  • Create risk and issues management plans for stakeholders.
  • Develop effective communication campaigns
  • Explore the range of activities that comprise corporate communications

This course is made for:

  • Corporate Communications Practitioners
  • Senior Managers
  • Public Relations Officers and Managers
  • Public Affairs Practitioners
  • Marketing Officers and Managers
  • Anyone planning a career in PR
  • Marketing manages


  • What is reputation and how can it be assessed
  • What are the drivers of reputation?
  • A reputation audit – how to conduct it?
  • Sources of data on reputation
  • Developing your research skills
  • Use of online tools to assess the reputation


  • How company culture impacts reputation?
  • Brand and brand values
  • Do you deliver on your brand personality and promise?
  • Aligning your comms, marketing, sales, and customer service
  • Communicating across cultures
  • Ensuring support from the top tier


  • Mapping your regular stakeholders and their media preferences
  • Analysing your reputation in key media
  • Running media campaigns
  • Planning and managing press briefings
  • Analyzing your coverage in directories
  • Campaign risk planning


  • Managing reputation online
  • Why the internet has been the game changer?
  • The Cluetrain manifesto and migration to online and mobile
  • The importance of Search Engine Optimisation
  • Social media and reputation
  • Assessing your online reputation
  • The risks of social media


  • Protecting a Reputation: when it goes wrong, crisis response
  • ESG – Environment, Social, and Governance
  • Your CSR profile
  • Transparency and ethics
  • Surveying stakeholders
  • The role of influencers

Management and Leadership training courses

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