Excellence In Sales Leadership For Managers Course





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25 Feb
- 29 Feb 2024

5 Days



25 Aug
- 29 Aug 2024

5 Days



3 Jun
- 7 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


17 Nov
- 21 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


Take the next step in your career! Whether you’re an up-and-coming professional, a savvy entrepreneur, or an experienced executive, in this course we will focus on the key sales leadership skills required to create and lead a professional sales team to high performance. It will also develop your business acumen and understanding of the financial elements of the sales leadership

It will give you a wealth of skills, tools, and inspiring ideas for achieving sales targets.,  is a tremendous opportunity to deepen your leadership and management abilities, increase your personal achievement, and make a positive and lasting impact on the people around you, learning new practices, different approaches and move from being a sales manager to an inspirational and authentic sales leader.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Innovate, execute good ideas, and diffuse the ideas throughout the organization
  • Unlock more strategic information and find better ways of working together
  • Succeed in a world where smart, orchestrated networks and tiny firms that do not need much capital to compete with larger organizations
  • Make their organizations more agile, responsive, and creative
  • Understanding what is an Authentic, Inspirational leader really means
  • Identify your own management and leadership style
  • Recruit the right team – with skills in interviewing, assessment & onboarding
  • Sales Leadership Styles
  • The role of a leader
  • Sales team motivation
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Mentoring skills
  • Sales team Coaching
  • Sales meetings
  • Recruiting sales achievers
  • Performance management
  • Business Finance

This course is made for:

  • New managers looking to transition successfully from a production to a management role
  • Existing managers looking to get more engagement and innovation from their teams and organizations
  • Entrepreneurs who need to use “soft power” to motivate people to achieve exceptional outcomes with limited resources


  • Introducing the Business Simulation and Your First Decision
  • Choose Your Leadership Style
  • Negotiating with Players in Your Market
  • Revealing the Results from the Simulation Game
  • Is management about creating value through other people?
  • How to Perform Meaningful Interviews with Potential Hires
  • Voices from the Field: How Do You Build Trust with Someone?
  • Quality Feedback and Coaching the Growth Mindset
  • Voices from the Field: How Do You Approach Coaching for Better Performance?


  • Getting to Ambivalence: Personal Conflicts at Work
  • Manage the Expectations of a Star Performer
  • The CSA Persuasion Planning System
  • How to Develop a Persuasive Message
  • The Fiedler Model and Your Internal Communication Style
  • 4 Core Lessons in Visual Communication
  • Visual Communication Mini Quiz
  • How to Deliver Better Online and Offline Presentations
  • Pick a Practical Approach for Persuading Other Team Leaders


  • Does negotiating have to be competitive?
  • Integrative Bargaining: Learning to Make a Bigger Pie
  • Voices from the Field: How to Develop Leverage When Negotiating
  • How to Prepare for High-stakes Negotiations
  • The Psychological Factors that Impact Negotiations
  • What Negotiation Communication Tips Can You Share?
  • 5 Ways to Be Better at the Table and Close Deals
  • Voices from the Field: What Can I Do to Close More Deals?
  • Cross-cultural Negotiations and Hofstede’s 6 Dimensions
  • Negotiation Training Learning Review
  • Find Time Warner’s BATNA During Negotiations with CBS


  • What’s the most valuable thing happening right now?
  • Bandwidth Allocation in Theory and Practice
  • Organize Your Energy with the Ultimate Productivity Recipe
  • Smart Maker Bursts and Affective Value
  • Manager Activities, IT, and Value Creation
  • The Minto Pyramid and Quality Information Flow
  • How to Organize Your Communication with the Minto Pyramid
  • Key Personal Productivity Concepts
  • Organize Your Presentation Using the Minto Pyramid
  • SideBYSide: Paul Klipp’s Recipe in Action
  • SideBYSide: Let’s Curate Elon Musk’s Information Feed
  • Where do business and government meet?
  • How GDP Works and Why it Matters


  • How Governments Manage their Economies
  • How Specialization and Trade Create Wealth
  • Labor Arbitrage and the Economics of Offshoring
  • Environmental Limits, Risk, and Innovation
  • Interpreting Macroeconomic Signals and Using Decision-making Frameworks
  • How Will Government Actions Impact Your Strategy?
  • SideBYSide: The User-friendly Public Data Resource
  • SideBYSide: Advanced Economic Data Sourcing Techniques
  • Access to Eazl’s Library of Macroeconomic Databases
  • Should your leadership style be adapted to the situation?
  • Sensemaking: How to Generate Insights in a Team Setting
  • The MBTI Framework: How to Appreciate Different Personality Types
  • The MBTI and Unique Personality Traits
  • Cultivating an Effective Interpersonal Communication Style
  • 5 Steps to Creating a Compelling Vision
  • Building X-Teams for Extreme Performance
  • Finding Innovations, Executing, and Diffusing Through the Organization
  • What Approach Will You Take to Making a Big Decision?


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