Process Control Cybersecurity





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26 Feb
- 1 Mar 2024

5 Days



26 Aug
- 30 Aug 2024

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9 Jun
- 13 Jun 2024

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Virtual Online


18 Nov
- 22 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Recently, three out of four organizations in the oil and natural gas industry in the Middle East have experienced a security compromise that resulted in the loss of confidential data or Operational Technology (OT) disruption. This is according to a recent study by Siemens and the Ponemon Institute. Another finding in the report is that – organizations believe that roughly one in every two cyber-attacks against the OT environment actually goes undetected. The report also notes that the oil and gas industry is the target of as much as one-half of all cyberattacks in the Middle East and given its importance for the region’s economies, the risks faced by the industry are all the more pressing. OT, which encompasses systems that monitor and control physical devices and industrial processes, is increasingly interconnected with IT networks. In spite of all its benefits, this IT/OT convergence is opening up new avenues for attacks.

So in this course we will learn the Process Control Assets to be protected, The Current Industrial Security Environment, The Process Control Security Standard IEC 62443, Risk Assessment and Cybersecurity Counter-measures,and Application diagnostics, troubleshooting, and incidence response

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand how to perform risk assessment and apply cybersecurity counter-measures
  • Understand the Current Industrial Security Environment
  • List and explain the main components of the process control security standard IEC 62443
  • Learn how to perform application diagnostics, troubleshooting, and incidence response
  • List what process control assets need to be protected

This course is made for 

  • Process, Plant, and Project Managers
  • Process Engineers and Managers
  • Process Control Operators, Engineers
  • Instrumentation Technicians and Engineers
  • Any individual that needs to address issues in the ever expanding and complex field of cybersecurity in the industrial environment
  • System Integrators
  • IT/OT Engineers and Managers Industrial Facilities
  • IT/OT Corporate / Security Professionals
  • Operations and Maintenance Personnel
  • Plant Safety, Security, and Risk Management
  • Security Personnel in all categories

Day One

Introduction and Cybersecurity Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Process Control Cybersecurity
  • Understanding the Current Industrial Security Environment
  • How IT and OT (Operational Technology) in the Plant Floor are Different and How They are the Same
  • Overview of Process Control
  • Overview of Industrial Communication Systems and Networks
  • How Cyber-attacks Happen:  Threats, Vulnerabilities, Attacks
  • Asset Identification and Impact Assessment

Day Two

Introduction to the IACS Cybersecurity Lifecycle and ISA99 / IEC 62443

  • Identification & Assessment Phase
  • Design & Implementation Phase
  • Operations & Maintenance Phase
  • Limits of a Conventional IT Approach
  • The IEC 62443 Security Approach and Standards
  • Risk Analysis Risk Identification, Classification, and Assessment
  • CAL (Cybersecurity Assurance Levels)
  • Functional Requirements of IEC 62443

Day Three

Addressing Security Risks: Process Control Security Counter-measures

  • Antivirus, Anti-spyware
  • Firewalls, Traffic Analyzers
  • Encryption, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
  • Passwords – Authentication Systems
  • Access Control – Intrusion Detection / Prevention
  • Network Segmentation

Day Four

Application Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

  • Interpreting Device Alarms and Event Logs
  • Early Indicators
  • Network Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Network Management Tools
  • Interpreting OS and Application Alarms and Event Logs
  • Application Management and Whitelisting Tools
  • Antivirus and Endpoint Protection Tools
  • Security Incident and Event Monitoring (SIEM) Tools

Day Five

IACS Cybersecurity Operating Procedures & Tools and Incident Response

  • Developing and Following an IACS Management of Change Procedures
  • IACS Configuration Management Tools
  • Developing and Following an IACS Patch & Antivirus Management and Cybersecurity Audit Procedures
  • Patch Management Tools
  • Antivirus and Whitelisting Tools
  • Auditing Tools
  • Developing and Following an IACS Incident Response Plan
  • Incident Investigation and System Recovery
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