MSF Desalination Plant Operation & Performance Ratio Calcula





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14 Jan
- 18 Jan 2024

5 Days



14 Jul
- 18 Jul 2024

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21 Apr
- 25 Apr 2024

5 Days

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6 Oct
- 10 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Desalination Technologies play a big role in supplying Fresh Water . In this  course, the emphasis is directed towards Flash Evaporation Desalination Systems. The attendees will have the opportunity to be exposed to the recent developments, Desalination Technologies are overviewed, Effect of the different Operational Parameters on Multi-Stage Flash Systems (MSF) are given. Design, Operation, and Maintenance of MSF are presented. Full and Part Load Operations are illustrated in connection with Control Systems.

Also, the course topics include Information about Desalination Technology, starting with basic concepts of Desalination Mass and Energy Balance. This is followed by a detailed evaluation of major Desalination Method MSF. The Technology Description includes theoretical principles of the Process, Principles of Desalination System Operation, System Design, evaluation of the economics of the process.

In this course emphasize is directed towards energy auditing in multistage desalination systems. The attendees will have the opportunity to be exposed to the recent developments in operation and maintenance technology in this area Desalination technologies are overviewed Workshops on MSF system energy calculations are presented. Full and part load performance calculations are illustrated in connection with control systems Operation and maintenance of MSF are presented. Full and Part Load Operations are illustrated in connection with Control Systems in MSF Desalination Plant.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Illustrate the Operation and Troubleshooting of Multi– Stage
  • Know the plants for the whole Plants and Systems
  • Give the Thermal and Mechanical background of Multi-Stage Flash Systems
  • Understand the layout of the Theories for thermal as well as the Mechanical Sizing and Applications
  • Present background information for MSF System and have the attendees Practice Energy Auditing & Methodologies
  • Analyze the system components of MSF Plants and to overview the operation and maintenance technologies of MSF
  • Evaluate the system performance and energy consumption at Part Load and Full Load
  • Gain more details of understanding the Thermal Desalinations, and Associated Interface with a Power Plant such as Gas Turbine or Steam Turbine with different Capacities
  • Evaluate and study the Gap in the system of Performance in Cogeneration Plants

This course is made for 

  • Mechanical
  • Chemical Engineers who are working in MSF Multi-Stage Flash
  • Desalination Plants in Operation & Maintenance.
  • Performance Engineers

Day One
Introduction to Desalination

  • Sea Water Properties
  • Practical Formulas
  • Desalination Technologies
  • Fluid Flow Principles in MSF Plants
  • Heat Transfer Background in MSF Plants
  • Energy Sources for MSF Systems
  • Energy Auditing Technologies
  • Thermodynamics and Energy Calculation Schemes
  • Efficient Energy Transfer through MSF Plant
  • Water Chemistry in relation to Energy Transfer

Heat Balances in MSF Stages

  • System Overall Analysis
  • Brine Pool Balance
  • Vapor Space Balance
  • Demister Balance
  • Condenser Balance
  • Ejector Section Analysis
  • Workshop (Heat Balance Calculations)

Day Two
Energy Consumption through MSF

  • System Overall Energy Analysis
  • Brine Characteristics to minimize Energy Consumption
  • Proper Demister Configuration
  • Condenser Design for Energy Consumption
  • Ejector Economical Energy consumption
  • Workshop in the above Energy consumption

Measured Parameters from Control Room

  • Steam Temperature and Pressure to Brine Heater
  • Vacuum Values in Different Stages
  • Steam Pressure and Temperature to Deaerator
  • Ejector Section Steam Conditions and Flowrate
  • Pumping Power for the Different Pumps
  • Optimization Techniques for System Effectiveness
  • Workshop Thermo-Economic Calculation Evaluation
  • Dynamic Analysis of System Components
  • Salinity Requirements and System Performance

Day Three

Operation & Maintenance (Cogeneration)

  • MSF with Steam Turbine Plants
  • MSF with Gas Turbine Plants
  • Economical Evaluation in Desalination Cogeneration
  • GOR and PR in Cogeneration System
  • Workshop in Cogeneration Performance Analysis

Optimization of Energy Consumption

  • Introduction of Second Law Analysis
  • MSF System Irreversibility
  • Unit Energy Cost
  • Analysis of MSF System Losses
  • Best Operation and Maintenance Strategies
  • Fouling Effect on System Energy
  • Operation and Troubleshooting Schedules
  • Maintenance Program Activities
  • Workshop in Energy Optimization Techniques

Day Four

Evaluation of System Performance

  • Calculation for Gain Output Ratio (GOR)
  • Calculation Recovery Ratio (RC)
  • Performance Ratio (PR) Calculations
  • Effect of Operational Parameters on PR
  • Effect of Maintenance Schedule on Performance
  • Effect of Anti-Scale Dosing on PR
  • Effect of Deaerator Steam Consumption on PR
  • Effect of Ph Value
  • Fouling Analysis, Causes & Preventative
  • Workshop in GOR and PR calculations

Day Five

MSF Plant Strategies

  • Steady State Operation
  • Part Load Operation
  • Control & Dynamic Performance Analysis
  • Optimization Operation Process
  • Condition Monitoring Strategy
  • Maintenance Program Scheduling
  • Economical Aspects of MSF Operation
Training Subject
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