Advanced Process Risk Assessment & Risk Management





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5 Feb
- 9 Feb 2024

5 Days



5 Aug
- 9 Aug 2024

5 Days



19 May
- 23 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


28 Oct
- 1 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Systems are based on a proactive process for incidents prevention as well as reactive monitoring of performance. Risk assessment is required to be applied to all activities that impact on health & safety, production, asset, environment, and the Company reputation

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Recognize the difference between hazard, risk and risk assessment
  • Learn how to evaluate different types of risk
  • Develop the skills of applying advanced risk assessment techniques relevant to the process industry
  • Develop a strategy for planning and implementing risk reduction action plans
  • Appreciate the contribution of human error to accidents
  • Apply advanced techniques for root-cause analysis for incidents

This course is made for :

  • Management and those with responsibilities for analyzing risks and incidents
  • Production, project, process, mechanical, control, maintenance and HSE Personnel
  • All personnel involved in implementing the Company’s HSE Management System
Advanced Risk Assessment Techniques: HAZOP
Introduction to hazards identification and analysis techniques
Techniques for hazard identification and analysis- HAZOP
Syndicate exercise- application of HAZOP to batch and continuous processes
Integrating HAZOP within the risk management system
Review of commercial HAZOP software
The Role of Quantified Risk Assessment ‘QRA’
Failure Modes & Effects Analysis ‘FMEA’
Decision trees and Event Tree Analysis ‘ETA’
Sources of failure data
Fault Tree Analysis ‘FTA’
Quantification of ETA and FTA
Evaluation of Individual and Societal Risks
Mechanics of Fire, Explosion, and Toxic Releases:
The role of consequence analysis in QRA
Types of Fires: Jet flame, pool fire, flash fire, BLEVE
Types of Explosion: VCE, UVCE, pressure burst, dust explosion
Vulnerability analysis
Commercial software for modeling releases, fire, explosion and toxic releases
Advanced Incidents Investigation Techniques:
Human contribution to accidents
The role of root cause Analysis in identifying management system failures
Accident investigation techniques
Latent failure and root causes for incidents
Techniques for root-cause analysis
Promoting a Positive Safety Culture:
Introduction to Safety Culture
Techniques for improving safety culture
Measuring improvements in safety culture
Integrating safety culture within the HSE Management System
Training Subject
Training Location