Production Allocation System for Oil and Gas and Data Validation





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11 Feb
- 15 Feb 2024

5 Days



11 Aug
- 15 Aug 2024

5 Days



20 May
- 24 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


3 Nov
- 7 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Up to date global statistics of oil & gas, reserves, production, consumption, and exports, Familiarization of the oil and gas supply chain: upstream, mid-stream and downstream operations and related facilities, Update the various methods and technologies used to explore, drill, produce, treat and transport oil, gas and their products, Essentials of international oil and gas supply, economics and transportation recognize to the key economic drivers of the international oil gas value chain, Up to date validation technologies, The configuration and structure of different processing facilities from simple to complex, The value of crude oil based on product market prices retail and distribution and more you will learn during your particepate in this course of Production allocation system for oil and gas training course

This course will provide  you the applicants with an cohesive view of production division and allocation in general, concentrating on production during LOF life of the field . The role of modern technology will be introduced and in addition, will include an summary of new and developing knowledge used to advance the production distribution system, in the modern hydrocarbon volatile price environment.

A thoughtful of variable production handling and treatment equipment that are used during life cycle of exploration and production. The applicants will be able to gain the knowledge on how fluids flow withing subsurface and in the reservoir and how these are extracted processed and refined and transferred to global market. Numerous subjects such as resource estimation and PVT fluids properties along with the surface facilities arrangements will be presented to reach strong understanding on how data justification are obtained with ideal production rate and minimum expenses.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Improve the performance at their companies
  • Apply the latest technologies for production allocation at oil and gas field operations
  • Apply best practice technique to have commingled oil & gas production and conduct economic evaluation on field development projects
  • Strengthen the Interdisciplinary collaborative approach to understand and solve the oil & gas field operational problems and troubleshooting related to production allocation
  • Improve the collaboration and integration between the technical and management teams inside the organization
  • Up to date global statistics of oil & gas, reserves, production, consumption, and exports
  • Familiarization of the oil and gas supply chain: upstream, mid-stream and downstream operations and related facilities
  • Update the various methods and technologies used to explore, drill, produce, treat and transport oil, gas and their products
  • Essentials of international oil and gas supply, economics and transportation
  • The key economic drivers of the international oil gas value chain
  • Up to date validation technologies
  • The configuration and structure of different processing facilities from simple to complex
  • The value of crude oil based on product market prices retail and distribution

This course is made for 

  • Maintenance
  • Oil & Gas Field personnel
  • Corporate Planning Professionals
  • Business Development Managers
  • Engineering
  • Energy industry journalists and reporters
  • Business Analysts switching disciplines who are required to have a better understanding of this stimulating field
  • Petrophysicist
  • Operation
  • Professional personnel such as legal, banking, insurance, finance dealing with oil supply, refining, and transportation
  • Other support staff who have an interest in increasing their understanding of the oil & gas production operations

Day One

Introduction to the Production Allocation system

  • Overview of The Production Allocation
  • Development Plans and Petroleum Economics
  • Sharing for Oil and Gas Allocations Overview
  • Allocations Completeness and Consistency
  • Allocations Valuation of Oil and Gas
  • Phases of The Production Operations

Day Two

Production Allocation Methods

  • Production Allocation Reporting
  • Production Allocation by Volume Case
  • Production Allocation by Mass Case
  • Production Allocation Energy Balance Case
  • Production Allocation Mole Fraction Case
  • Production Allocation Results
  • Optimize Production Allocation for The Oil & Gas Fields

Day Three

Oil and Gas Production Allocations

  • Production System: Natural Flow and Artificial Lift Systems
  • Surface Production Operations
  • Gas-Oil Separation
  • Pressure & Level Controllers and Safety Devices Inside the Separators
  • Treatment of Crude Oil: Dehydration & Emulsion Treatment
  • Oil Storage
  • Mercury Removal Technologies
  • Oil Transportation

Day Four

Oil and Gas Production Allocations

  • Treatment of Gas: Dehydration & Stabilization
  • Natural Gas Dehydration
  • Gas and Liquid Extraction and Fractionation
  • Gas Sweetening (Membrane System): Removal of Acid Gases (H2S, CO2)
  • Gas Transportation
  • Lesson Learned

Day Five

The Role of the Recent Technologies and Data Validation

  • Advanced Technologies in Data Validation
  • Recent Technologies in The Production Systems Validation
  • Surface Facilities Configurations and Technologies
  • Data Validation Phases
  • Recognize the Cause and Effect Of Oil And Gas On The Industry And Data Validation
  • Production Logging
  • PLT Comparison to Surface Measurements
  • Data Validation
  • Production Logging Case Studies
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