Mechanical Engineering for Rotating Equipment





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3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days



1 Sep
- 5 Sep 2024

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10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

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24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Oil and Gas Production Plants comprise both static and rotating equipment that represent main capital investment. Proper design, operation and maintenance of these equipment would increase their availability and reliability thus, ensure good return on investment. Understanding of the operation parameters effects and implementation of effective condition monitoring methods improve equipment health, extend their life time and mitigate the associated risks. in other  hand Selection of proper equipment with the application of effective control and condition monitoring methods would reduce their down time thus, save organization huge maintenance and operation costs. Regular monitoring and inspection techniques can help in providing basis for estimating the health of the existing components of the equipment as well as the overall risk assessment.

So in This course we will learn the design, inspection, and testing methods of static equipment [e.g., storage tanks, valves, boilers, heat exchangers and piping systems] according to the relevant standards to perform the fitness for service (FFS) analysis. The most up-to-date methods of equipment protection methodologies together with maintenance activities, including necessary repairs as prevention of failures.Working principles, operation, and condition monitoring methods of rotating equipment [e.g., motors, pumps, compressors, steam, and gas turbines] with modern maintenance strategies to improve equipment availability and to mitigate failures. and recognize bout the Types of rotating equipment used for oil and gas industry.Motors: design, operation, common failures, and maintenance methods, Pumps: design, operation, common failures, and maintenance methods, Compressors: design, operation, common failures, and maintenance methods,Steam Turbines: design, operation, common failures, and maintenance methods, Gas Turbines: design, operation, common failures, and maintenance methods, Rotating equipment energy consumption optimisation methods

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Follow the requirements of industry inspection standards and practices
  • Identify elements of safety of pressure vessels, storage tanks and pipelines
  • Apply diagnostics and inspection procedures to pressure equipment
  • Analyze results of condition monitoring and corrosion tests of static equipment
  • Plan and manage activities related to maintenance and repair
  • Apply industry inspection standards and best practices at your organization
  • Optimize design and operation methods for your rotating equipment
  • Apply diagnostics and inspection procedures to the rotating equipment
  • Analyze results of condition monitoring and vibration control of rotating equipment
  • Plan and manage activities related to maintenance and repair of rotating equipment

This course is made for 

  • Operation, technical service
  • Maintenance professionals
  • Technical professionals dealing with risk assessment and integrity analysis
  • Technical professionals responsible for maintenance and repair of equipment
  • Professionals involved in inspection and maintenance and repair
  • Technicians dealing with regulating and metering and other measurements

Day One

Materials Engineering for Static Equipment

  • Engineering Material Properties and Selection
  • Materials Testing and Types of Metals
  • Materials Failure Mechanisms
  • Mechanical Design, Standards and Codes

Pressure Vessels, Tanks and Piping Systems

  • Pressure Vessels and Steam Boilers
  • Above Ground Storage Tanks: Operation & Safety
  • Pipelines & Piping Systems: Operation & Safety
  • Pressure Relief Valves: Selection & Sizing
  • ASME BPV VIII & ASME B31.3 Standards and API Codes
  • Storage Tanks: External & Internal Maintenance Techniques
  • Cathodic Protection of Pipelines and Storage Tanks

Day Two

Heat Exchanger: Types and Design Criteria

  • Fundamentals and Types of Heat Exchangers
  • Tube and Shell Heat Exchanger Design Methods
  • Plate Heat Exchangers
  • Performance Improvement of Heat Exchangers

Boilers and Valves: Design and Fundamentals of Operation

  • Design and Operation of Boilers
  • Operation and Control Methods
  • Types of Valves
  • Inspection Techniques for Boilers and Valves

Day Three

Inspection, Monitoring & Maintenance Engineering

  • Risk Management & Mitigation Technologies: ALARP Criteria
  • Risk Based Inspection (RBI API 580) For Stationary Pressure Equipment (NDT)
  • Pipeline Internal and External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA & ECFA) Methods
  • Repair Modern Technologies
  • Review, Summary and Conclusions

Motors: Operation and Technical Characteristics

  • Operation Principles of Motors
  • Motor Characteristics: Torque Power Curves
  • Power Consumption of Motors
  • Motors International Standards
  • Common Failure Modes
  • Condition Monitoring Methods

Day Four

Pumps: Design, Operation and Monitoring Methods

  • Pump Types, Positive Displacement and Dynamic
  • Pump curves and Pump Selection
  • Pumping system optimisation
  • Energy saving opportunities for pumps

Compressors: Design, Operation and Monitoring Methods

  • Types of Compressors
  • Compressor Performance Curves
  • Surge and Stonewall on Compressors
  • Effects of Speed and Gas Composition

Day Five

Steam Turbines: Design, Operation and Monitoring Methods

  • Fundamentals of Steam
  • Design and Operation of Steam Turbines
  • Boiler Types and Characteristics
  • Performance of Steam Turbines

Gas Turbines: Design, Operation and Monitoring Methods

  • Design and Operation of Gas Turbines
  • Gas Turbine Characteristics
  • Performance of Gas Turbines
  • Summary and Conclusions
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